In the traditional accession system,the attachment of movable property to immovable property will result in the extinguishment of the ownership of the original movable property and will not meet the practical needs of secured transactions in movable property.According to the reasonable expectations of the parties to the transaction,the security interest in the movable property should extend to the fixture,and atypical security should continue likewise.As a result,fixtures to immovable property need to be treated as a separate category in order to afford both security interests in movable property and security interests in immovable property.The objective aspect of fixture requires an examination of whether the removal of the movable property causes physical damage to the immovable property,regardless of the overall functional impact.The subjective aspect of fixture requires an inquiry into the opinion of the parties,taking into account factors such as the nature of the fixture,the relationship of the parties,the extent and purpose of the attachment.In the absence of immovable property registration for security over movable property,it is necessary to balance the need for transactional reliance with the need for extension of security over movable property by allowing bona fide third parties to acquire rights in rem in the fixture.For reasons of transactional stability and predictability,it is necessary for security over movable property extended to fixtures to be recorded in the immovable property register.The super-priority of an acquisition security interest holder that registers within the grace period may constitute an exception to the registration priority principle.In the case of a mortgagee of a building that aims to use the completed building as collateral,its mortgage has priority over the purchase money security interest.
NanJing University Law Journal
Attachment to the Immovable Property
Extension of Security Interest
Fixture Filing
Purchase Money Security Interest