
改良everStick C&B纤维树脂粘接桥在老年切牙缺失修复中的疗效观察

The efficacy of modified everStick C&B fiber resin bonded bridge in the restoration of incisor missing teeth in senile patients
摘要 目的:评价改良everStick C&B纤维树脂粘接桥在老年切牙缺失修复中的临床疗效。方法:纳入年龄65岁以上切牙缺失患者32例。其中上颌切牙缺失13例、下颌切牙缺失19例;缺牙1颗13例、缺牙2颗11例、缺牙3颗5例、缺牙4颗3例;基牙松动24例、基牙无松动8例。对所有患者均采取改良everStick C&B纤维树脂粘接桥修复治疗。分别于修复完成后6、 12、 18个月复查,复查内容包括修复体脱粘接、折断、颜色变化、缺损以及基牙松动、牙周组织炎症等6项指标。修复完成后6个月对患者进行满意度调查,调查内容包括治疗过程是否舒适、美观效果是否满意、修复后发音、咀嚼是否舒适等3项指标。结果:32位老年患者修复完成后6个月,6项指标均为A级。12个月,出现1例修复体缺损B级,2例基牙牙周组织炎症B级,其余均为A级。18个月,出现1例修复体缺损B级,3例基牙牙周组织炎症B级,其余均为A级。2例修复体缺损B级经过树脂充填后均达到A级。5例基牙牙周组织炎症B级经过牙周洁治后5~7 d均达到A级。患者满意度调查3项指标均为A级。结论:改良everStick C&B纤维树脂粘接桥在老年切牙缺失修复中临床疗效良好。 Objective:To evaluate the clinical effects of modified everStick C&B fiber resin bonded bridge in the restoration of incisor missing teeth in senile patients.Methods:32 patients over 65 years with incisor loss old were included.13 of them were with missing maxillary incisors and 19 with missing mandibular incisors.13 had 1 missing tooth,11 had 2,5 had 3 and 3 had 4 missing teeth.The abutment was loose in 24 cases and not loose in 8 cases.All patients were treated with modified everStick C&B fiber resin bonded bridge repair.Re-examination was conducted at 6,12 and 18 months after completion of repair.The re-examination included 6 indexes including prosthesis debonding,fracture,color change,defect,abutment loosening and periodontal tissue inflammation.The patients'satisfaction was investigated 6 months after the repair was completed.The investigation included 3 indexes:whether the treatment was comfortable,whether the aesthetic effect was satisfactory,and whether the pronunciation and chewing were comfortable after the repair.Results:The 32 patients were reexamined 6 months after completion of the repair,and all 6 indexes were grade A.Reexamination at 12 months showed that 1 case of treated defect was grade B,2 cases of abutal periodontal tissue inflammation was grade B,and the rest indexes were grade A.Reexamination at 18 months showed that 1 case of treated defect was grade B,3 cases of abutal periodontal tissue inflammation was grade B,and the rest indexes were grade A.All the 2 cases of grade B defects reached grade A after resin filling.All the 5 cases of abutal periodontal tissue inflammation grade B reached grade A 5-7 days after periodontal cleaning.All 3 indicators in the patient satisfaction survey were graded A.Conclusion:The modified everStick C&B fiber resin bonded bridge is effective in the restoration of incisor missing teeth in senile patients.
作者 孙根柱 王思佳 张大勇 逯宜 SUN Genzhu;WANG Sijia;ZHANG Dayong;LU Yi(The First People's Hospital of Yinchuan,China,750001;Key Laboratory of Shaanxi Province for Craniofacial Precision Medicine Research,College of Stomatology,Xi'an Jiaotong University)
出处 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期76-81,共6页 Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 树脂粘接桥 everStick C&B纤维 老年人 切牙缺失 固定修复 Resin bonded bridge everStick C&B fiber Elderly Incisor missing Fixed repair
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