

Japanese Exclusion Movement in Brazil and the Enactment of“Two Percent Limit Clause”in 1934
摘要 1931年日本悍然发动了“九一八”事变,其帝国主义侵略行径遭到巴西的抵制,同时也引发了巴西国内针对日侨群体的猜疑和排斥。在巴西民族主义的语境下,“黄祸论”“不易被同化论”等种族主义论调频繁出现,针对日本移民的扩张阴谋论流行开来。1933年年底,限制外来移民的宪法修正案提案引发了巴西国内排日派和挺日派的激烈争论。1934年5月24日,巴西国会通过了《百分之二限额法案》,并将其列入《1934年宪法》,这是近代以来巴西第一次对所有外来移民采取限制措施,也是首次将限制移民入境写进宪法,确立了国籍来源的移民配额制度。作为20世纪30年代初增长最为迅猛的外来移民群体,日本移民受该法案的冲击最大。对此,日本政府积极打经贸亲善牌,开启了“棉花换移民”外交,以缓和改善日巴关系;而日本媒体和巴西日侨对该法案的颁布表示强烈不满,他们用实际行动反击排日言论。该法案对日本在巴西的投资置地和移民活动都产生了消极影响。 In 1931,Japan brazenly launched the September 18th Incident,and its imperialist aggression was resisted by Brazil,which triggered suspicion and rejection of the Japanese diaspora in Brazil.In the context of Brazilian nationalism,racist arguments such as“Yellow Peril”and“Unassimilable Argument”rose again,and expansionist conspiracy theories against Japanese immigrants were rampant.At the end of 1933,a constitutional amendment to limit immigration proposal sparked a debate on Japanese immigrants.The next year,the Brazilian Congress passed the“Two Percent Limit Clause”,which was the first time in modern times that Brazil put restrictions on immigration into the constitution and established the immigration quota system based on nationality.As the fastest growing immigrant group in the early 1930s,Japanese immigrants were the most affected by the law.In this regard,the Japanese government actively played the card of economic and trade goodwill and implemented the“cotton for immigration”diplomacy to ease and improve Japan-Brazil relations.However,Japanese media and Brazilian Japanese expressed strong dissatisfaction with the promulgation of the law,and they took practical actions to counter the anti-Japanese rhetoric.The law had a negative impact on Japanese land investment and immigration activities in Brazil.
作者 杜娟 DU Juan(Institute of World History,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing,100101,China)
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期96-106,共11页 Collected Papers of History Studies
关键词 巴西 日本移民 排日 《百分之二限额法案》 民族主义 Brazil Japanese immigrants exclusion of Japanese immigrants Two Percent Limit Clause nationalism
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