结合漕宝路快速路等上海市城市道路盾构隧道工程,基于工程量清单计价模式,提出盾构隧道建设期碳排放核算方法、分部分项工程划分原则。对盾构隧道碳排放主要来源及占比进行分析,得到盾构隧道建设中人工、材料和机械碳排放的占比。采用相同分析方法,对多项工程案例进行碳排放核算,得到不同直径盾构隧道的每延米碳排放量估算指标。分析结论表明,盾构隧道建设过程中,建材、机械和人工各部分的碳排放占比分别约为82.7%,16.8%和0.5%。管片和内部结构所采用的钢筋、混凝土,始发接收加固的水泥,是盾构隧道碳排放构成的主要来源。随着隧道外径增大,每延米盾构隧道碳排放量也逐步增加。管片外径为11~15 m的盾构隧道,每延米碳排放量指标约为61213~89566 kg CO 2e。
Based on the bill of quantities pricing model,this paper proposes a method for calculating carbon emissions during the construction period of shield tunnels and the principles for dividing sub projects,taking into account the shield tunnel projects on urban roads such as Caobao Road and Expressway in Shanghai.Analyze the main sources and proportions of carbon emissions from shield tunnels,and obtain the proportions of carbon emissions from labor,materials,and machinery in shield tunnel construction.Using the same analysis method,carbon emissions were calculated for multiple engineering cases,and estimated indicators for carbon emissions per linear meter of shield tunnels with different diameters were obtained.The analysis conclusion shows that during the construction of shield tunnels,the carbon emissions from building materials,machinery,and labor account for approximately 82.7%,16.8%,and 0.5%,respectively.The steel bars and concrete used in the segments and internal structures,as well as the cement used for initial reinforcement,are the main sources of carbon emissions in shield tunnels.As the outer diameter of the tunnel increases,the carbon emissions per linear meter of shield tunnel also gradually increase.A shield tunnel with an outer diameter of 11~15 m has a carbon emission index of approximately 61213 to 89566 kgCO2e per linear meter.
YAO Jian(Shanghai Urban Construction Design&Research InstituteCo.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200125,China)
China Municipal Engineering
shield tunnel
construction period
carbon emission accounting
estimating indicators