

Research on the Boundaries and Limits of Legal Regulation of Human Assisted Reproductive Technology
摘要 人类辅助生殖技术的发展给不孕不育夫妻带去希望的同时,也对社会公序良俗和生命伦理产生了一定的影响,对人类辅助生殖技术的讨论离不开对人工胚胎的法律规制以及对生育权益的法律保障。因此,基于当前对生育权益的保护现状,在对公主体授权以及生命科技立法时需要遵循比例、不伤害、允许、尊重以及公众参与原则。本文最后从立法例的选择、人类胚胎的法律地位和保护以及对男性生育权益的保护三个方面讨论法律介入人类辅助生殖技术的边界和限度,以期促进人类辅助生殖技术的健康有序发展。 The development of human assisted reproductive technology brings hope to the infertile couples to achieve reproductive rights.At the same time,it has a certain impact on social public order and good customs and bioethics problems.Therefore,it needs the intervention of public power and the improvement of legal regulation.The current law has carried out on the reproductive rights and interests of the protection,and the involvement of the public power to consider the exercise of freedom of private rights and maintain the balance between public interest,as far as possible to reduce the impact on private subject reproductive rights at the same time can be implemented to achieve the goal of public power exercise.In this regard,the principles of proportion,non-maleficence,permission,respect and public participation should be followed in the authorization of public subjects and the legislation of life science and technology.Finally,this essay from the choice of legislative mode,the legal status of human embryo and protection as well as the protection of males reproductive rights,above three aspects to discuss the legal intervention boundaries and limits of human assisted reproductive technology,in order to promote the healthy and orderly development of human assisted reproductive technology.
作者 刘璟锟 Liu Jingkun(Academy for China’sRule-of-Law,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 201620,China)
出处 《锦州医科大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期16-22,共7页 Journal of Jinzhou Medical University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 人类辅助生殖技术 生育权 生育权益 公权力介入 边界和限度 法律保障 human assisted reproductive technology the right to procreation reproductive rights and interests public power involvement boundaries and limits protection of law
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