

Research progress in the detection of amide alcohol drugsin animal-origin foods
摘要 酰胺醇类药物半衰期较长,进入人体后难以通过自身代谢排出体外,过量的酰胺醇类药物残留会对人体器官造成严重的危害,因此中国制定了酰胺醇类药物最高残留限量标准,其中氯霉素在所有可食组织中均不得检出。文章综述了动物源性食品中常见的酰胺醇类药物残留检测方法,包括色谱法、质谱法、电化学法与电致化学发光法、免疫法、荧光法和表面增强拉曼光谱法等,分析了这些方法的优缺点,并对今后酰胺醇类药物残留检测的新技术进行了展望。 Amide alcohol drugs have a long half-life and are difficult to excrete through the metabolic process after entering the human body.Excessive amide alcohol drugs will cause serious harm to human organs.Therefore,China has formulated a strict maximum residue limit standard for amide alcohol drugs,in which chloramphenicol can’t be detected in all edible tissues.This review introduces the application of chromatography,mass spectrometry,electrochemical method,electrochemiluminescence method,immunoassay,fluorescence method and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy method in the detection of amide alcohol drugs in animal-origin foods,and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are analyzed and new techniques for the detection of amidol alcohol drugs in the future are prospected.
作者 张振宇 崔海燕 王勇 ZHANG Zhenyu;CUI Haiyan;WANG Yong(Jiyuan Animal Product Quality Inspection Center,Jiyuan,Henan 459000,China;Jiyuan Vocational and Technical College,Jiyuan,Henan 459000,China;Xinyang Center of Animal Products Quality Test and Monitoring,Xinyang,Henan 464000,China)
出处 《食品与机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期233-239,共7页 Food and Machinery
基金 济源市科技攻关项目(编号:19023027,20021001)。
关键词 动物源性食品 酰胺醇类 药物残留 检测方法 animal-origin foods amide alcohol drugs residues detection methods
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