

RL-VB model:logistics power that promotes the progress of business in China
摘要 物流是决定商业进步和发展的关键要素,也是中国商业近二十年来高速发展和不断创新的重要原因。文章回顾了上海可的物流中心的项目建设和物流信息化管理创新探索,并总结了在全球范围内二百多家商业物流中心的建设和管理经验,提出了一种基于虚拟商务理论的零售物流模型即RL-VB模型。通过阐述RL-VB模型的信息化建设方法论、系统框架、信息平台、管理要素、集成方法、管理路径和经营导向等,从系统工程的视角论述了RL-VB模型的实践性、系统性和先进性。数百家物流中心的成功建设及其商业实践证明,RL-VB模型有效解决了我国商业发展面临的物流管理难题,支撑并推动了我国商业的快速进步。最后得出结论:立足本土、一切从实际出发、走中国特色的自主创新之路,是RL-VB模型取得成功的关键所在。 Logistics is the key element to determine the advancement of business,and also the main cause for the rapid development and continuous innovation of Retailing and E-commerce in China in the past decade.This paper reviews the innovative exploration of building the Shanghai Kedi logistics center,summarizes the construction and management experience of constructing over two hundred logistics centers worldwide,and proposes a brand-new retail logistics model based on virtual business theory,i.e.,RL-VB model.We present the methodology of informationization construction,system framework,logistics information platform,elements of logistics management,integrated method,management path and operational orientation of RL-VB model,and demonstrate its practicality,systematicness and progressiveness from the perspective of system engineering.The successful practical application of RL-VB model in hundreds of business groups shows that it effectively improves the logistics operations of retailing enterprises,and supports the rapid progress and healthy development of business in China.Finally,the paper points out that the key to the success of RL-VB model is to proceed from the reality and base on the local,and insist on development through self-innovation.
作者 田歆 李健 陈庆洪 TIAN Xin;LI Jian;CHEN Qinghong(School of Economics and Management,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Bejing,100190,China;Rsearch Centeron Fictitious Enomy and Data Science Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China;College of Economics and Management,Bejing University of Technoogy,Beijing,100124,China;Shanghai HEADING Information Engineering Co.,Ltd,Shanghai,201112,China)
出处 《豫章师范学院学报》 2024年第1期115-123,共9页 Journal of Yuzhang Normal University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“社区团购中众筹机制、社会效应和绩效影响的实证研究”(编号:72172145) 伊犁哈萨克自治州重点研究与技术开发专项“霍尔果斯智慧铁路数字运单平台研发与应用”。
关键词 零售物流 虚拟商务 系统工程 综合集成 演化 迭代 retail logistics virtual business systems engineering integration evolution iteration
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