

Application practice of general cooperative vehicle infrastructure in the field of transportation
摘要 随着车路协同技术的发展,在交通运输领域运用光纤、北斗、5G、C-V2X等先进通信手段,将分析处理后的道路、环境、交通及管理信息通过可变信息标志、交通广播及车载单元等多种方式传达给道路使用者,从而提升道路服务水平、保障交通安全。分析总结了公众体验感较强的3类应用场景,包括城市智能网联公交车、普通国省道非信控交叉口安全预警和智慧高速应用场景,并对车路协同技术未来的发展应用进行了总结和展望。 With the development of cooperative vehicle infrastructure technology,advanced communication methods such as optical fiber,Beidou,5G,and C-V2X are being used in the transportation field.In order to improve the level of road service and ensure traffic safety,the processed information of road,environment,traffic,and management is transmitted to traffic participants by various means such as variable information signs,traffic broadcasts,and on-board units.This article analyzes and summarizes three types of application scenarios with strong public experience,including urban intelligent connected buses,safety warnings at non-signal controlled intersections of ordinary national and provincial roads,and smart expressway application scenarios.It also summarizes and looks forward to the future development and application of vehicle road collaboration technology.
作者 鲍希琰 BAO Xiyan(Jiangsu Provincial Department of Transportation,Nanjing 210001,China)
出处 《信息通信技术与政策》 2024年第3期53-59,共7页 Information and Communications Technology and Policy
关键词 广义车路协同 智能网联公交车 非信控交叉口安全预警 智慧高速 general cooperative vehicle infrastructure intelligent connected bus safety warning for non-signal controlled intersections smart expressway
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