This study investigates how cognitive psychology principles can be integrated into the information architecture design of short-form video platforms,like TikTok,to enhance user experience,engagement,and sharing.Using a questionnaire,it explores TikTok users’habits and preferences,highlighting how social media fatigue(SMF)impacts their interaction with the platform.The paper offers strategies to optimize TikTok’s design.It suggests refining the organizational system using principles like chunking,schema theory,and working memory capacity.Additionally,it proposes incorporating shopping features within TikTok’s interface to personalize product suggestions and enable monetization for influencers and content creators.Furthermore,the study underlines the need to consider gender differences and user preferences in improving TikTok’s sharing features,recommending streamlined and customizable sharing options,collaborative sharing,and a system to acknowledge sharing milestones.Aiming to strengthen social connections and increase sharing likelihood,this research provides insights into enhancing information architecture for short-form video platforms,contributing to their growth and success.