

Analysis of trigger characteristics of torque limiter in high lift system for civil aircraft
摘要 扭矩限制器是民用飞机高升力系统中重要的过载保护装置,能够在触发后阻止过量的载荷沿传动线系传递。触发特性的研究对于扭矩限制器的设计有重要的意义。设计了一种滚子-摩擦片式的扭矩限制器,提出了一种球窝结构的建模方法,建立了动力学有限元仿真模型,研究了扭矩加载速率、动静摩擦片初始安装距离、预加碟簧力和球与球窝摩擦系数对触发特性的影响。研究结果表明,扭矩加载速率改变会影响触发时间但不改变触发扭矩值。相同初始安装距离时,触发扭矩分别与碟簧力和摩擦系数呈线性关系。研究为高升力系统的设计提供了参考。 The torque limiter is an important overload protection device in high lift system of civil aircraft,which can prevent excessive load from being transmitted along the system line after triggering.The research of triggering characteristics is of great significance for the design of torque limiters.In this paper,a ball-friction type torque lim-iter was designed,and a modeling method for ball and groove structure was proposed.A dynamic finite element simulation model was established to study the effects of torque loading speed,initial installation distance between rotor and stator friction plates,pre-add disc spring force and friction coefficient between ball and groove on the trig-gering characteristics.The results show that the torque loading speed can influence triggering time but does not change the triggering torque value.For the same initial installation distance,the triggering torque is linearly related to disc spring force and friction coefficient,respectively.The research provides a reference for the design of high lift systems.
作者 姚露 陆建国 徐佳琦 丁玉波 陈铭 YAO Lu;LU Jianguo;XU Jiaqi;DING Yubo;CHEN Ming(Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute,Shanghai 201210,China)
出处 《民用飞机设计与研究》 2024年第1期66-72,共7页 Civil Aircraft Design & Research
关键词 高升力系统 扭矩限制器 触发 有限元 摩擦 high lift system torque limiter trigger finite element method friction
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