
浅谈新教育理念下的幼儿园建筑设计——以北京未来科学城幼儿园为例 被引量:1

摘要 本文以北京未来科学城幼儿园为例,探讨了与教育理念契合的幼儿园建筑设计,强调以幼儿为中心,让建筑和环境成为教育的容器。充分考虑幼儿的行为习惯与心理需求,从建筑空间的布局合理性、功能多样性、人文关怀性、空间灵活性及建筑设计的绿色可持续性等方面进行思考,深入分析该项目的设计理念和手法,旨在为幼儿园建筑设计提供有益的参考和启示。 Taking the kindergarten of Beijing Future Science City as example,this paper discusses the architectural design of kindergarten that fits with the educational concept,emphasizing children as the center while the building and environment as the container of education.Taking full account of children's behavioral habits and psychological needs,this paper analyzes the design concepts and techniques of the project from the aspects of rational layout,functional diversity,humanistic care,spatial flexibility and green sustainability of architectural design,with the aim of providing useful reference and inspiration for kindergarten architectural design.
出处 《住宅产业》 2024年第3期46-48,共3页 Housing Industry
关键词 幼儿园建筑设计 布局合理性 功能多样性 人文关怀性 空间灵活性 绿色可持续 kindergarten architectural design rational spatial layout functional diversity humanistic care spatial flexibility green sustainability
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