Oncogenes are critical factors in tumorigenesis of diverse cancer types and play essential roles in tumor immune escape.Mutations in Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog(KRAS)and epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR)are among the most frequent gain-of-function alterations[1].After many years of in-depth research,inhibitors targeting EGFR or KRAS mutations have been successfully developed,however,their clinical benefit is relatively limited,and they will inevitably encounter the challenge of drug resistance.The emergence of resistance is attributed to secondary mutations in driver genes and other complicated factors.
This research was supported by grants from the Natu-ral Science Foundation of China for Innovation Research Group(81821005)
the National Natural Science Founda-tionofChina(82273948,81573271and81903638)
High-level Innovative Research Institute(2021B0909050003)
State Key Laboratory of Drug Research(SKLDR-2023-TT-01 and SIMM2205KF-09)
Lingang Laboratory(LG202103-02-02)
Institutes for Drug Discovery and Development,Chinese Academy of Sciences(CASIMM0120225003-1 and-2).