We designed an improved direct-current capacitor voltage balancing control model predictive control(MPC)for single-phase cascaded H-bridge multilevel photovoltaic(PV)inverters.Compared with conventional voltage balanc-ing control methods,the method proposed could make the PV strings of each submodule operate at their maximum power point by independent capacitor voltage control.Besides,the predicted and reference value of the grid-connected current was obtained according to the maximum power output of the maximum power point tracking.A cost function was con-structed to achieve the high-precision grid-connected control of the CHB inverter.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed control method was verified through a semi-physical simulation platform with three submodules.
Research on Control Methods and Fault Tolerance of Multilevel Electronic Transformers for PV Access(Project number:042300034204)
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Research on Key Technologies and Demonstrations of Low-Voltage DC Power Electronic Converters Based on SiC Devices Access(Project number:202102060301012)。