

Legal Protection of China s Energy Transition from the Perspective of Justice
摘要 能源是人类生存发展的血液,世界各国一直以来都把能源作为本国经济发展的重要领域。在可持续发展时代,以可再生能源为主的能源转型不仅肩负着增加能源供给、改善能源质量的发展任务,也承载着减缓全球变暖、解决环境污染等一系列全球性问题的使命。然而,随着第三次能源转型的深入推进,社会不公正现象频频发生。实际上,不公正的能源转型不仅不利于社会公平正义的保障,还会消极地反作用于能源转型的推进效率。在全球能源转型的背景下,我国亟需将能源公正纳入能源转型的法律规制体系当中,以造福人民为根本目的,构建出具有公正性、包容性的能源转型法律保障制度体系,矫正能源转型不公正,维护人民发展利益,实现社会公平正义。 Energy is the blood of human survival and development,and countries around the world have always regarded energy as an important area of their economic development.In the era of sustainable development,the energy transition,dominated by renewable energy,not only shoulders the development task of increasing energy supply and improving energy quality,but also carries the mission of slowing down global warming and solving a series of global problems such as environmental pollution.However,as the third energy transition progresses,social injustices are frequent.In fact,an unjust energy transition is not only detrimental to the guarantee of social fairness and justice,but also negatively reacts to the efficiency of the energy transition.In the context of global energy transition,China urgently needs to incorporate energy justice into the legal and regulatory system of energy transition,and build a fair and inclusive legal guarantee system for energy transition with the fundamental purpose of benefiting the people,so as to correct the injustice of energy transition,safeguard people s development interests,and achieve social fairness and justice.
作者 张玲 寸雨琳梓 ZHANG Ling;CUN Yulinzi(Yunnan University of Finance and Economics,School of Law and Politics,Kunming,Yunnan,China 650000)
出处 《昆明学院学报》 2024年第2期72-78,共7页 Journal of Kunming University
关键词 能源正义 公正能源转型 不公正能源转型问题 能源转型法律保障体系 energy justice just energy transition the issue of an unjust energy transition legal guarantee system for energy transition
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