

Report on the After-school Life Status of Children:Leisure and Entertainment
摘要 休闲娱乐是中国儿童校外生活的重要组成部分。2023年,中国儿童中心联合首都师范大学中小学生校外教育研究院、北京大学中国社会科学调查中心,在全国范围内开展了儿童校外生活状况调查。基于调查数据,本研究发现:(1)儿童线下休闲娱乐活动丰富多彩,超七成的儿童参与了线下休闲娱乐活动,参与比例最高的是体育锻炼和去公共场所(小区、公园等)玩,参与时长较长的是休息、社会交往和观看表演;(2)儿童线上休闲娱乐活动参与情况值得关注,超六成的儿童参与了线上休闲娱乐活动,参与比例最高的是看视频(电视、电影、动画片、短视频等),参与时长最长的是玩网络游戏;(3)近五成儿童在父母陪同下参与线下休闲娱乐活动;(4)线下和线上休闲娱乐活动普遍受到儿童喜爱,家长则更重视线下休闲娱乐活动;(5)不同性别、学段、地区和家庭背景的儿童参与线下和线上休闲娱乐活动比例和时长具有显著差异性。因此,应加强顶层设计,倡导科学的休闲娱乐方式;关注农村儿童休闲娱乐活动质量改善;重视线下休闲娱乐活动中的同伴交往;加强对儿童线上休闲娱乐活动的监管。 Leisure and entertainment is an important component of Chinese children's afterschool life.In 2023,the China National Children's Center,in collaboration with the Institute of Extracurricular Education for Primary and Secondary School Students at Capital Normal University and the Institute of Social Science Survey at Peking University,conducted a nationwide survey on children's after-school living conditions.Based on the survey data,this study found that:(1)Over 70%of Chinese children participate in colorful off-line activities for leisure and entertainment,with the highest proportion of taking physical exercise and playing in public space in communities or parks,and they spend most of their time in taking a rest,having social interaction,and watching performances.(2)Over 60%of children participate in online activities for leisure and entertainment,with the highest participation rate of watching videos,televisions,movies,cartoons,and short videos,and they spend most of their time in playing online games.(3)Nearly 50%of children participate in offline activities with the accompaniment of their parents for leisure and entertainment.(4)Both offline and online leisure and entertainment activities are generally favored by children,while parents place more emphasis on offline activities.(5)There are significant differences in the proportion and duration of children's participation in offline and online activities for leisure and entertainment among different genders,educational stages,and regions.Therefore,we should strengthen the top-level design to advocate the scientific method of leisure and entertainment;pay attention to improving the quality of leisure and entertainment activities for rural children;encourage peer interaction in offline leisure and entertainment activities;and put stress on the supervision of online leisure and entertainment activities for children.
作者 胡晓晴 薛海平 肖凤秋 陈旭群 庞小冬 邱天敏 HU Xiao-qing;XUE Hai-ping;XIAO Feng-qiu;CHEN Xu-qun;PANG Xiao-dong;QIU Tian-min(Capital Normal University;China National Children's Center)
出处 《中国校外教育》 2024年第2期13-33,共21页 AFTERSCHOOL EDUCATION IN CHINA
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“经济高质量发展下教育资源配置研究”(项目编号:22JJD880004) 国家社会科学基金2022年度教育学重点项目“‘双减’政策落实的过程监测和成效评价研究”(项目编号:AHA220020) 北京市社会科学基金项目“‘双减’背景下首都儿童青少年校外时间利用的模式、影响机制及干预研究”(项目编号:22JYC023) 中国教育学会2021年度教育科研一般委托课题“‘双减’背景下中国儿童校外生活状况及其成因分析研究”(课题编号:2021012903WT2)。
关键词 休闲娱乐 校外生活 网络游戏 体育锻炼 Leisure and Entertainment After-school Life Online Game Physical Exercise
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