Flame retardant coatings are functional materials that can serve as decorative and protec-tive substrates in the event of a fire.Flame retardant coatings generally consist of two parts:a base material and a flame retardant agent.A detailed introduction was given to the development of flame retardant coatings in recent years and the flame retardants used in flame retardant coatings.Flame retardants mainly include halogen flame retar-dants,phosphorus nitrogen flame retardants,expansion flame retardants,biomass flame retardants,and graphene flame retardants.The application of flame retardant coatings in the fields of epoxy resin,polyurethane,etc.was elaborated.In addition,the application of new biomass flame retardants and graphene flame retardants was introduced,and the future development of flame retardant coatings and flame retardants was described.