目的增加太阳光在太阳能电池玻璃盖板的透过率,以期提高太阳能电池的转换效率。方法以正硅酸乙酯为原料、乙醇为溶剂、氨水为催化剂,采用碱催化溶胶-凝胶浸渍提拉法,在玻璃表面制备了SiO_(2)减反射薄膜,研究了溶胶中正硅酸乙酯与乙醇物质的量比和提拉镀膜速度对SiO_(2)薄膜光学性质的影响,分析了减反射薄膜的耐久性。结果碱性溶胶制备的SiO_(2)为非晶相,采用浸渍提拉法在玻璃表面制备的薄膜结构疏松,且存在微裂纹。采用正硅酸乙酯与乙醇物质的量比为1∶20、提拉速度为500μm/s及正硅酸乙酯与乙醇物质的量比为1∶30、提拉速度为1000μm/s制备的SiO_(2)薄膜,折射率分别为1.35和1.33,厚度分别为101.11、102.63nm,最大透过率分别高于未镀膜玻璃6.57%和6.94%,在400~1100nm波长范围内的平均透过率分别高于未镀膜玻璃5.01%和5.34%,表明该薄膜具有优异的减反射性能。玻璃表面制备SiO_(2)薄膜后,水接触角约为5°,具有超亲水性。将未镀膜玻璃及镀膜样品在实验室放置5个月后,采用正硅酸乙酯与乙醇物质的量比为1∶20、提拉速度为500μm/s及正硅酸乙酯与乙醇物质的量比为1∶30、提拉速度为1000μm/s的制备SiO_(2)薄膜的最大透过率分别高于未镀膜玻璃7.50%和6.71%,在400~1100 nm波长范围内的平均透过率分别高于未镀膜玻璃5.94%和5.59%,表明SiO_(2)薄膜的减反射性能具有较好的耐久性。结论采用碱催化溶胶-凝胶法在玻璃上制备的SiO_(2)减反射薄膜具有超亲水性及优异的减反射耐久性,在太阳能电池玻璃盖板上具有潜在的应用价值。
Solar energy is an important sustainable and clean energy source.However,the reflection of light by the cover glass leads to the reduction of the efficient utilization for the incident solar energy.In order to reduce light reflection on cover glass,SiO_(2) antireflection thin films were prepared on glass by sol-gel dip-coating method.A series of SiO_(2) sols were prepared with ethyl orthosilicate(TEOS)as raw material,ethanol as solvent,and ammonia as catalyst.The structure of SiO_(2) was characterized by X-ray diffraction.The surface morphology of SiO_(2) thin films were observed by scanning electron microscopy.The optical properties and wettability were measured with ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectrophotometer and contact angle tester.The effect of SiO_(2) sol and dip-coating withdraw speed on the optical properties of SiO_(2) thin films was investigated.The results showed that SiO_(2) prepared by alkaline sol was amorphous phase.The different precursor sol had no significant effect on the crystal structure.The SiO_(2) thin films prepared on glass by sol-gel dip-coating method had loose structure and micro cracks.The optical properties of SiO_(2) thin films could be controlled by Sol-gel dip-coating process.When the ratio of TEOS to ethanol was 1∶20 and the dip-coating withdraw speed was 500μm/s(SiO_(2)-2-500)or the ratio of TEOS to ethanol was 1∶30 and the dip-coating withdraw speed was 1000μm/s(SiO_(2)-3-1000),the SiO_(2) films had excellent antireflection performance.The maximum transmittance and average transmittance of glass coated SiO_(2)-2-500 film was 98.38%and 93.19%in the wavelength range of 400-1100 nm,which was 6.57%and 5.01%higher than those of bare glass.While,the maximum transmittance and average transmittance of glass coated SiO_(2)-3-1000 film was 98.75%and 93.52%in the wavelength range of 400-1100 nm,which was 6.94%and 5.34%higher than those of bare glass.The refractive index of SiO_(2)-2-500 and SiO_(2)-3-1000 film was 1.35 and 1.33.The thickness of SiO_(2)-2-500 and SiO_(2)-3-1000 film was 101.11 nm and 102.63 nm.The excellent antireflection performance of SiO_(2)-2-500 and SiO_(2)-3-1000 films might be related to the low refractive index and appropriate film thickness.The water contact angle of SiO_(2) thin films was about 5o,showing excellent superhydrophilic performance.To evaluate the durability of the antireflection films,the glasses without and with SiO_(2) antireflection film were exposed in the laboratory for 5 months and their transmission spectra were tested.The maximum transmittance and average transmittance of glass coated SiO_(2)-2-500 film was 97.36%and 92.47%in the range of 400-1100 nm wavelength after 5 months,which was 7.50%and 5.94%higher than those of bare glass.Meanwhile,the maximum transmission and average transmission of glass coated SiO_(2)-3-1000 film was 96.57%and 92.12%in the range of 400-1100 nm wavelength after 5 months,which was 6.71%and 5.59%higher than those of bare glass.The glass coated SiO_(2)-2-500 and SiO_(2)-3-1000 films maintain high transmittance in long time.The durability of antireflection properties for SiO_(2) films is excellent in the experiment.These results indicate that SiO_(2) films prepared by Sol-gel method have excellent antireflection,superhydrophilic and good durability properties and have potential application value in solar cell cover glass.
WANG Jun;HU Jinyu;XIANG Junhuai;LI You;ZHANG Shujuan;HU Min(School of Materials and Energy,Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University,Nanchang 330013,China)
Surface Technology