
普通烟草外向整流Shaker K^(+)通道NtSKOR1的组织表达分析

Tissue Expression Analysis of Outwardly-rectifying Shaker K^(+)Channel Gene NtSKOR1 in Nicotiana tabacum
摘要 外向整流Shaker K^(+)通道SKOR(Stelar K^(+)outward rectifier)是一类定位于植物根部中柱细胞质膜的外向整流Shaker K^(+)通道。为探究普通烟草NtSKOR1的启动子活性和不同时期组织表达情况,克隆该基因上游2439 bp的启动子序列,创制启动子驱动β-葡萄糖苷酸酶基因(GUS)的烟草材料并进行组织化学染色,通过RT-qPCR验证该基因的表达。结果表明NtSKOR1启动子含有光响应、逆境胁迫和激素等相关的顺式作用元件;转ProNtSKOR1::GUS烟草的组织化学染色试验表明:萌发期至子叶展平期未检测到GUS活性;小十字期,在真叶叶脉和茎尖分生组织开始检测到GUS活性;生根期,除茎和叶脉的维管组织外,在根部维管组织也开始检测到明显GUS活性,且活性随烟株生长而逐渐增强;盛花期,主要在烟草的根、茎和叶脉维管组织检测到活性,且上部叶叶脉中的GUS活性高于下部叶叶脉。RT-qPCR与GUS活性检测结果基本一致。综上可知,NtSKOR1主要在烟草小十字期及后续发育阶段的根、茎、叶的维管组织中表达,烟草进入盛花期后,该基因在光合作用较强的上部叶中的表达高于下部叶,推测该基因可能参与烟草K^(+)转运和同化产物协同运输。 The Stelar K^(+)outward rectifier channel(SKOR)is a type of outwardly-rectifying Shaker K^(+)channel located in the plasma membrane of column cells in plant roots.This study aimed to investigate the promoter activity and expression of the NtSKOR1 gene at different developmental stages.For this purpose,a 2439 bp promoter segment upstream of the start codon of NtSKOR1 was cloned and ProNtSKOR1::GUS transgenic lines were generated.GUS staining and RT-qPCR assays were conducted to assess the activity and expression,respectively.The prediction of cis-acting elements revealed the presence of several elements related to light,stress,and hormone responses.During the full seedling stages,no evident GUS activity was observed.At the small cross-shaped stage,GUS activity was detected in the stem apex meristem tissues and the veins of two true leaves.During the root spreading stage,GUS activity was mainly observed in the vascular tissues of the stem,and weak activity began to appear in the vascular tissues of root and gradually increased as the tobacco plants grow.At the most flowering stage,the activity was primarily detected in the vascular tissues of the roots,stems,and upper leaves of tobacco.These findings were consistent with the results of RT-qPCR analysis.In conclusion,the expression of NtSKOR1 initiates at the small cross-shaped stage in tobacco plants and is mainly localized in the vascular tissues of the roots,stems,and leaves.Furthermore,at the most flowering stage,NtSKOR1 expression is significantly higher in the upper leaves,which have strong photosynthetic capacity,compared to the lower leaves with weak photosynthetic capacity.This suggests that NtSKOR1 may play a crucial role in the transport of K^(+)ions and photosynthetic products in tobacco plants.
作者 农童嘉 徐方正 袁佳苹 向海英 王学瑛 袁光 OLUWASEYI Setonji Hunpatin 崔萌萌 宁扬 王倩 戴培刚 NONG Tongjia;XU Fangzheng;YUAN Jiaping;XIANG Haiying;WANG Xueying;YUAN Guang;OLUWASEYI Setonji Hunpatin;CUI Mengmeng;NING Yang;WANG Qian;DAI Peigang(Tobacco Research Institute of Chiese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Key Laboratory of Tobacco Gene Resources,Qingdao 266101,China;Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;Yunnan Tobacco Research Institute,Kunming 650106,China;Anhui Wannan Tobacco Co.,Ltd.,Xuancheng 242000,Anhui,China)
出处 《中国烟草科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期90-98,共9页 Chinese Tobacco Science
基金 国家自然基金面上项目(32170387) 中国烟草总公司烟草基因组计划与生物育种重大科技项目[110202101035(JY-12)] 安徽省烟草公司科技项目(20220551002003008)。
关键词 NtSKOR1 Shaker K^(+)通道 GUS活性 烟草 基因表达 NtSKOR1 Shaker K^(+)channel GUS staining tobacco gene expression
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