

The Impact of Vocational Values on Learning Investment for Special Education Major Students:The Mediating Effect of Vocational Orientation:Take Chongqing Normal University as an Example
摘要 为探究特殊教育专业师范生的职业价值观、职业定向及学习投入之间的关系,采用问卷调查法对235名特殊教育师范生进行调查。结果显示,特殊教育专业师范生的职业价值观、职业定向、学习投入均处于中等偏上水平;职业价值观、职业定向、学习投入的部分子因子在年级、家庭所在地、专业选择方式及见习经历等人口学变量上存在显著性差异;职业价值观、职业定向、学习投入之间均呈显著正相关,职业价值观对特殊教育专业师范生的学习投入有显著的直接效应,职业定向在职业价值观与学习投入之间起中介效应,职业价值观对职业定向和学习投入有显著的预测作用。 To investigate the relationship between special education major students’vocational values,vocational orientation and learning investment,235 special education major students were investigated by using the questionnaire method.The results show that special education major students’vocational values,vocational orientation,and learning investment are all at a middle-upper level;some sub-factors of vocational values,vocational orientation,and learning investment show significant differences in demographic variables such as grade,family location,major selection method,and internship experience;there is a significant positive correlation between vocational values,vocational orientation,and learning investment;the vocational values had a significant direct effect on learning investment,vocational orientation plays a mediating role between vocational values and learning investment,andvocational values has a significant predictive effect on vocational orientation and learning investment.
作者 李博 曾羚 戴旭芳 LI Bo;ZENG Ling;DAI Xufang(School of Educational Sciences,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing,401331;Chongqing Key Laboratory of Psycholo-gical Diagnosis and Educational Technology for Children With Special Needs,Chongqing,401331)
出处 《现代特殊教育》 2024年第10期52-62,共11页 Modern Special Education
基金 重庆市教育科学规划课题“高等特殊教育‘跨专业人才整合培养模式’的探索研究”(2019-GX-327)的研究成果。
关键词 特殊教育 职业价值观 职业定向 学习投入 中介效应 special education vocational values vocational orientation learning investment mediating effect
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