

Mass Mobilization of the Communist Party of China in She Area of Southwest Zhejiang during the War of Resistance against Japan and Its Practical Enlightenment
摘要 抗战时期,中国共产党在浙西南畲区进行广泛的民众动员,以坚持平等促汉畲团结,以普及教育促畲民觉醒,以通俗化宣传促畲民奋战,激发了畲民英勇抗战的决心和行为。抗战时期中国共产党在浙西南畲区的民众动员,对推动新时代各民族共同为实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦而奋斗有一定的现实启示:必须牢固树立休戚与共、荣辱与共、生死与共、命运与共的观念,加强对各族人民的思想文化教育,掌握宣传主阵地。 During the War of Resistance against Japan,the Communist Party of China carried out a wide range of mass mobilization in She area of Southwest Zhejiang,promoted the unity of Han people and She people by adhering to equality,promoted the awakening of She people by popularizing education and promoted She people to fight by popularizing publicity to stimulate the determination and behavior of She people to fight bravely.Mass mobilization of the Communist Party of China in She area of Southwest Zhejiang during the War of Resistance against Japan has given great inspiration to all ethnic groups to strive to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era:we must firmly establish the concept of sharing joys and sorrows,sharing weal and woe,holding together in life and death,and sharing a common fate,strengthen ideological and cultural education for people of all ethnic groups,and master the main front of publicity.
作者 王晓帆 WANG Xiaofan(School of Teacher Education,Lishui University,Lishui 323000,Zhejiang)
出处 《丽水学院学报》 2024年第3期44-51,共8页 Journal of Lishui University
基金 丽水市哲学社会科学常规课题“抗战时期中国共产党在浙西南畲区的民众动员及现实启示研究”(LACG202316) 丽水学院“丽院‘红绿彩’工作室”思想政治工作质量提升综合改革项目(2023)。
关键词 抗战时期 中国共产党 浙西南畲区 民众动员 中华民族共同体 the War of Resistance against Japan the Communist Party of China She area of Southwest Zhejiang mass mobilization community for the Chinese nation
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