

Study on Fire Risk Characteristics and Corresponding Countermeasures of High-Rise Buildings in Shaoyang County
摘要 随着城镇化进程的推进,县级区域高层公共建筑不断新建,在提高土地利用率的同时,也增加了火灾隐患与扑救难度。文章基于邵阳县高层建筑实地调研情况,分析了邵阳县高层建筑存在消防设施维护保养差、疏散通道堵塞、消防车道被占用、人员消防安全能力不足、县域消防救援力量相对薄弱等风险特点;结合邵阳县实际,从五个方面提出了针对性的对策建议,以期为县级区域消防治理体系能力建设提供参考。 With the advancement of urbanization,high-rise public buildings are constantly being built in county-level areas,which increases the land utilization rate and at the same time increases the fire hazards and the difficulty of firefighting.Based on the field investigation on the high-rise buildings in Shaoyang County,this paper analyses the risk characteristics of high-rise buildings in Shaoyang County,such as poor maintenance of fire facilities,blocked evacuation routes,occupied fire lanes,and insufficient fire safety capacity of personnel,and relatively weak firefighting rescue power in the county,and so on.Combined with the actual situation in Shaoyang County,targeted countermeasures and suggestions are put forward from five aspects,with a view to providing a reference for the capacity building of county-level regional fire governance system.
作者 杨宇辉 唐述桥 蒋丹 Yang Yuhui;Tang Shuqiao;Jiang Dan
出处 《城市建筑》 2024年第10期135-137,共3页 Urbanism and Architecture
基金 邵阳城乡建设基金项目(64279132)。
关键词 邵阳县 高层建筑 火灾风险 Shaoyang County high-rise building fire risk
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