
PPS+PTFE混纺针刺滤袋在燃煤电厂的应用分析 被引量:2

Application analysis of PPS+PTFE blended needled punched filter bags in coal-fired power plants
摘要 针对某燃煤电厂使用聚苯硫醚(PPS)滤袋不足一年时间即发生大面积破损的问题,制备面层不同PPS和聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)纤维质量比的PPS+PTFE混纺针刺滤袋,对其进行挂袋试验,并从面密度、透气性、拉伸性能、粉尘渗透情况、材质变化及微观形貌等方面分析使用前后PPS+PTFE混纺针刺滤袋的性能。根据试验数据进行PPS+PTFE混纺针刺滤袋使用寿命的预估分析,推算其剩余使用寿命。研究结果显示,制备的PPS+PTFE混纺针刺滤袋满足粉尘排放质量浓度长期低于10 mg/m3的要求;面层PPS和PTFE纤维质量比为50∶50时,制备的PPS+PTFE混纺针刺滤袋的整体使用寿命可达74个月。研究为燃煤电厂滤袋除尘器的超低排放及滤袋选型提供参考。 In order to solve the problem that polyphenylene sulfide(PPS)filter bag was damaged in a large-scale within less than one year after it was used in a coal-fired power plant,polyphenylene sulfide PPS and polytetrafluoroethylene(PPS+PTFE)blended needled punched filter bags with different mix ratios mass ratios of PPS to PTFE fiber were prepared,and the filter bags hanging test was carried out.The properties of PPS+PTFE mixed blended needled filter bags before and after use were analyzed from the aspects of surface density,air permeability,tensile properties,dust penetration,changes in functional groups and fiber micro-morphology.Based on the test data,the service life of PPS+PTFE blended needled filter bags was estimated and the remaining service life was calculated.The results showed that the prepared PPS+PTFE blended needled filter bags could meet the requirement of dust emission mass concentration below 10 mg/m 3 for a long period of time.It was estimated that the overall service life of PPS+PTFE blended needled punched filter bags with a 50∶50 mass ratio of PPS to PTFE fibers in the top layer could reach 74 months.The research provides reference for the ultra-low emission of filter bag dust collector and filter bag selection in coal-fired power plants.
作者 陈好 陈建文 郑智宏 林蓝婷 Chen Hao;Chen Jianwen;Zheng Zhihong;Lin Lanting(Xiamen Zhongchuang Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xiamen 361101,Fujian,China;Fujian Provinical Key Laboratory of Bag Filter Materials and Technology,Xiamen 361101,Fujian,China;Xiamen Key Laboratory of Bag Filter Materials and Technology,Xiamen 361101,Fujian,China)
出处 《产业用纺织品》 2024年第6期48-53,共6页 Technical Textiles
关键词 聚苯硫醚(PPS) 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE) 混纺针刺滤袋 性能 寿命预估 polyphenylene sulfide(PPS) polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) blended needled punched filter bag property life prediction
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