
ChatGPT对话教育:意涵价值、风险挑战与实践进路 被引量:3

Dialogue Education in ChatGPT Era:Value and Implication,Risk and Challenge,and Practice Approach
摘要 人类社会进入ChatGPT时代,省思与重塑对话教育,是教育变革的时代使命。本文在建设数字中国、推进教育数字化转型的时代背景下,提出ChatGPT对话教育是以语言与人工智能技术为媒介增进沟通交互、促进个体成长与社会发展的教育新形态;将ChatGPT对话教育理解为教育理念、师生关系与教育存在,并具有微观层面深化人—机关系、中观层面弥合技术—教育分立、宏观层面密切技术—世界勾连等功用。在分析ChatGPT对话教育被窄化为方法技术、僵化为人机问答、退化为知识捡取、异化为风险对话等风险挑战的基础上,本文提出应采取高扬对话教育精神、优化对话教育结构、提升对话教育素养、完善对话教育治理等实践进路,以优化ChatGPT对话教育,助推我国教育数字化转型进程。 The introspection and reshaping of Dialogue Education becomes the mission of educational reform,with human society entering ChatGPT era.Under the background of construction of Digital China and the promotion of digital transformation of education,this paper argues that Dialogue Education in ChatGPT era is a new form of education that uses language and artificial intelligence technology as media to enhance communication and interaction,promote individual production and social development;regards it as the understanding of education,teacher-student relationship,and the existence of education,having the functions of deepening the human-computer relationship at micro level,bridging the technology-education separation at medium level,and connecting the technologyworld at macro level.On the basis of analysis of risk and challenge of Dialogue Education in ChatGPT era that has been narrowed down to methodology and technology,ossified to the question and answer between man-machine,degraded to knowledge picking-sup,and alienated to risky dialogues,this paper proposes practice approach such as raising the spirit of Dialogue Education,optimizing the structure of Dialogue Education,improving the literacy of Dialogue Education and perfecting the governance of Dialogue Education,so as to optimize Dialogue Education in ChatGPT era and promote transformation of digital education in China.
作者 刘丙利 LIU Bingli(School of Media and Technology,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng 252000,China)
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期53-61,共9页 Open Education Research
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般项目“数据要素赋能高等教育数字化转型的机理与路径研究”(BIA230187)。
关键词 生成式人工智能 ChatGPT 对话 对话教育 generative artificial intelligence ChatGPT dialogue dialogue education
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