

Pilot Study on Wall Drying Characteristics of Municipal Sludge Flue Gas
摘要 间壁式烟气干化机是一种自主研发的利用高温烟气的热量通过间壁式换热来干化污泥的新型设备。其原理是利用其他系统产生的高温烟气,经设备壳程及轴程两路烟气通道将烟气热量通过间壁式换热蒸发污泥中的水分,产生的水蒸气通过载气风机带出系统,起到干化污泥的作用。间壁式干化设备利用的烟气与污泥不直接接触,干化尾气量大幅减少,处理成本较低,同时无烟气与其他介质之间能量的二次转化,减少了能量损失。 Inter-wall flue gas dryer is a self-developed high-temperature flue gas heat through inter-wall heat transfer to dry sludge of the new equipment.The principle is to use the high-temperature flue gas generated by other systems to evaporate the moisture in the sludge through the heat exchange of the flue gas through the two channels of the shell side and shaft side of the equipment;it acts as a drying agent for sludge.The flue gas used by the inter-wall drying equipment has no direct contact with the sludge,the tail gas of drying is greatly reduced,the cost of treatment is lower,and the energy loss is reduced by the energy conversion between the flue gas and other media.
作者 席晨 Xi Chen(Shanghai Environmental Engineering Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200000,China)
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2024年第12期120-122,126,共4页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
关键词 污泥处置 间接干化 烟气干化 sludge disposal indirect drying flue gas drying
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