

Bibliometric and Visual Analysis of Arundo donax Research Based on CNKI
摘要 芦竹是禾本科芦竹属植物,具有速生、高产、适应性广、抗逆性强等生物学特性及广泛的应用价值。以中国期刊全文数据库为统计分析源,采用文献计量学方法,对芦竹领域2000—2023年相关文献的发文量、研究机构、学科分布、被引情况、发文期刊、资助基金、发文作者等内容进行计量与可视化分析。结果表明,芦竹研究目前保持着较高的热度,2022年和2023年均有41篇文献发表;高等农业院校是芦竹研究的重点机构,研究重点主要集中在环境科学与资源利用、生物学和园艺方向;《中国林业产业》是发表芦竹相关研究最多的期刊,被引次数最多的文献是发表于《生态学报》的“人工湿地植物对观赏水中氮磷去除的贡献”,引用次数达524次;国家和地方对芦竹研究都提供了大力的支持,共有19种基金项目支持了相关研究;确定了34位核心作者和20位高发文量作者,目前形成了4个合作团队,但多为单位内合作,未有大的合作网络关系形成。此分析结果从定量角度展示了我国芦竹相关研究发展趋势与现状,可为芦竹的深入研究与利用提供参考。 Arundo donax is a perennial rhizomatous plant belonging to the Poaceae family.For its biological characteristics of fast-growing,high yield,wide adaptability,strong resistance,Arundo donax has been widely used in many field.Based on CNKI database,bibliometric and visual methods are used to analyze the annual number,research institutions,discipline distribution,citations,journals,funds,and authors of the literature on Arundo donax published from 2000 to 2023.The results show that Arundo donax research still maintains a high degree of enthusiasm,with 41 papers published in both 2022 and 2023.Higher agricultural colleges and universities are the key institutions for Arundo donax research,and the papers are mainly focused on environmental sciences and resource utilization,biology,and horticulture.China Forestry Industry has the largest number of papers about Arundo donax.The most cited paper is“nutrient removal role of plants in constructed wetland on sightseeing water”published in Chinese Journal of Ecology,which has been cited as many as 524 times.National and local governments have provided strong support for research on Arundo donax,and a total of 19 kinds of fund programs have supported the related research.34 core authors and 20 authors with high publication volume have been identified,and 4 cooperative teams have been formed.But they are mostly intra-firm cooperation,with no large cooperative network appearing.These results have shown the current development trend and status of Arundo donax in China with the quantitative point of view,which can provide reference for the further research and utilization of Arundo donax.
作者 刘子奇 田保明 郭佳林 位芳 Liu Ziqi;Tian Baoming;Guo Jialin;Wei Fang(School of Agricultural Sciences,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China)
机构地区 郑州大学农学院
出处 《黑龙江科学》 2024年第14期34-39,共6页 Heilongjiang Science
基金 河南省科技攻关项目“基于丛生芽增殖的剑叶芦竹组培快繁技术的开发与应用”(242102111151) 河南省卓越农林人才教育基地建设项目“郑州大学设施农业农科教合作人才培养基地”(河南省教育厅教高[2022]214号)。
关键词 芦竹 CNKI 文献计量 可视化分析 Arundo donax CNKI Bibliometrics Visualization snalysis
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