

Koala Conservation Group Plants Trees to Help the Animals in the Wild
摘要 当地保护组织“班加罗尔考拉”在著名的拜伦湾附近种植的大量树木是考拉和许多其他动物的生命线。该组织努力让它们远离人群、汽车和狗。到2050年,新南威尔士州的考拉将在野外灭绝。几种最大的威胁有野火、栖息地丧失和(人类)为发展而进行的土地开垦。 The large number of trees near famous Byron Bay planted by local conservation group Bangalow Koalas,are a lifeline for koalas and many other animals.The group works hard to get them away from humans,from cars,from dogs.The koala will die out in the wild in NSW by 2050.Some of the biggest threats’are wildfires,habitat loss and land clearing for development.Started in 2019,Bangalow Koalas has planted over 336,000 trees.
机构地区 不详
出处 《中学生英语》 2024年第5期10-10,共1页 English Journal for Middle School Students
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