

Research on optimized operation and efficiency improvement technology of oilfield heating furnace
摘要 针对油田加热炉平均炉效81%未达到节能指标的问题,文中以提升加热炉运行效率达85%以上为目标,以优化加热炉运行效果为导向,结合生产实际情况,研发加热炉能耗动态控制图实现分区高效管理,引入加热炉炉况优化技术以及加热炉完整性管理平台,实现智能化高效管控,并应用新型高效余热回收型加热炉大幅度降低排烟温度,制定加热炉“三个严控”制度保障设备低耗运行。通过以上技术举施,有效保障了加热炉高效平稳运行,与“十三五”期间对比,平均热效率提升4%以上,年节气280×10^(4)m^(3),为油田降本增效提供了技术支撑。 In order to solve the problem that the average furnace efficiency of 81%of oilfield heating furnace can’t reach the energy conservation target,with the goal of improving the operating efficiency of the heating furnace to more than 85%and optimizing the operating effect of heating furnace as a guide,the dynamic control chart for heating furnace energy consumption has been developed to achieve efficient management of the zones based on the actual production situation.Introducing heating furnace optimization technology and heating furnace integrity management platform achieve intelligent and efficient control,and the application of new high-efficiency waste heat recovery heating furnace significantly reduces the exhaust temperature.The"three strict controls"control system of heating furnace is established to ensure the low consumption operation of equipment.Through the implementation of the above technologies,the efficient and stable operation of heating furnace is effectively guaranteed.Compared with the 13th Five Year Plan period,the average thermal efficiency has increased by 4%,and the annual gas saving is 280×10^(4)m^(3),which provides technical support for cost reduction and efficiency improvement in the oilfield.
作者 赵乃鹏 ZHAO Naipeng(Daqing Oilfield Tianyu Engineering Technology Co.,Ltd.)
出处 《石油石化节能与计量》 CAS 2024年第8期67-70,共4页 Energy Conservation and Measurement in Petroleum & Petrochemical Industry
关键词 加热炉 炉效提升 能耗控制 排烟温度 节能技术 heating furnace efficiency improvement of furnace energy consumption control smoke exhaust temperature energy conservation technology
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