

The Sharing of Medical Knowledge in the Qing Dynasty Through the Medicine Authorized Books of the Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu
摘要 《四库全书总目》医家类著存医学典籍197部,文献来源主要为敕撰本、永乐大典本、内府藏本、通行本、各省采进本、私人进献本六类,各省采进本和私人进献本分别占48.71%和25.41%,构成医家类文献的主要来源。对采进本地域归属及医者籍贯的量化考察,可以反映自明以来到清中叶以江苏、安徽、浙江三省为主的江南医学发展的繁盛。由政府主导的《四库全书总目》的纂修将散布在各地的历代书籍聚拢于中央,进行统一整理与编纂,作为一部大型知识集成承担了清代知识社会的“智库”角色。江浙地区私人藏书家医学书籍的进献,从秘不外借到公开阅读,使得医学经典得以重现。“南三阁”面向社会的开放亦广开医学知识共享之便利,进而推动了清代江南医学的发展。《四库全书总目》医家类以书籍为主体构建起来的医学知识共享,为习医人士把握医学典籍和医学学术研究提供了门径。 Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu records the information about 197 medical books which are collected from the edict book,the Yong Le Da Dian book,the internal collection book,the popular book,the provincial book,and the private book.The provincial book and private book accounting for 48.71%and 25.41%respectively,constituting the main source of medical books.The quantitative examination of the geographical jurisdiction and the Doctor’s native place can reflect the prosperity of the development of traditional medicine in Jiangnan area which mainly include Jiangsu,Anhui and Zhejiang provinces from the Ming Dynasty to the mid-Qing Dynasty.As an activity initiated by government,in the process of compilation of the Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu,the central government brought some books scattered throughout the ages together for unified collation and compilation,and assumed the role of a“think tank”for the knowledge society of the Qing dynasty as a large knowledge collection.The publication of these books has allowed the medical classics to be revived.The opening of the South Three Pavilions to the public also provide the convenience of sharing traditional medical knowledge,which in turn promoted the development of traditional medicine in Jiangnan area during the Qing Dynasty.Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu built a medical knowledge sharing framework and provide a path for medical practitioners to grasp medical texts and medical academic research.
作者 李瑞金 Li Ruijin(School of History and Culture,Central China Normal University)
出处 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第8期143-154,135,共13页 Library Journal
基金 2022年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“明清民国中医职业的制度路径与行医生活研究”(项目编号:22JJD770043)的阶段性成果之一。
关键词 《四库全书总目》 医家类采进本 医学知识 知识共享 Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu Medicine authorized books Medical knowledge Knowledge sharing
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