依据GJB 5000B验证与确认过程域的目标和实践活动,对软件缺陷生命周期管理过程及方法的适当使用进行研究,对软件缺陷在整个软件生命周期中的工作流程和状态进行了分析,对实践中容易被忽略的无效缺陷和跨职能缺陷的管理提出了相应的措施,进一步针对软件缺陷报告及其在组织软件能力成熟度过程改进中的应用予以分析。研究发现,有效的软件缺陷管理流程可以提高团队协作和沟通效能,降低缺陷管理和修复成本,提高软件质量,从而对组织的持续过程改进起到积极的作用。
According to the goal and practice activities of GJB 5000B verification and validation process domain,the software defect life cycle management process and the appropriate use of methods are studied,the work flow and status of software defects in the whole software life cycle are analyzed,and the corresponding measures are put forward for the management of invalid defects that are easily ignored in practice and cross-functional defects.The software defect report and its application in the software capability maturity process improvement are further analyzed.The study has found that an effective software defect management process can improve team collaboration and communication efficiency,reduce defect management and repair costs,and improve software quality,and thus play a positive role in the continuous process improvement of the organization.
GAO Yuanyuan;HU Xiaoming;ZHANG Yonghu(Shaanxi Fenghuo Communication Group Co.,Ltd.,Baoji 721000,China;Xi’an Yuanbang Electromechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an 710000,China)
Electronics Quality