

Research on Quality Management of Building Material Supply Chain Based on Blockchain
摘要 为改善在传统建筑行业中,建筑材料供应链质量管理存在信息不对称和数据篡改,从而导致工程质量下降的问题,基于区块链技术,通过划分供应链主体,建立去中心化、不可篡改的质量数据记录,从参与主体、系统框架和工作流程3个维度构建管理系统模型,探讨如何利用区块链框架改善建筑材料供应链质量管理。并从标准、数据和技术3个问题,政府、企业和个体3个层面分析该系统的实现路径。基于区块链的建筑材料供应链质量管理系统能够实现材料溯源和物流追踪,落实责任主体,有效防止数据伪造,提升建筑质量和管理效率,为质量管理提供了新思路。 To address information asymmetry and data tampering in the quality management of building material supply chains in the traditional construction industry,a decentralized and tamper-proof quality data record is established using blockchain technology by segmenting the supply chain entities.A management system model is constructed from three dimensions:participants,system framework,and workflow.This model explores how to use blockchain frameworks to improve the quality management of building material supply chains.The implementation path of the system is analyzed from three aspects:standards,data,and technology,as well as from the government,enterprises,and individuals.Based on blockchain,the quality management system of construction material supply chain can achieve material traceability and logistics tracking,identify responsible parties,prevent data forgery effectively,improve construction quality and management efficiency,and provide new ideas for quality management.
作者 李强年 王雨轩 LI Qiangnian;WANG Yuxuan(School of Civil Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China)
出处 《工程管理学报》 2024年第4期135-140,共6页 Journal of Engineering Management
关键词 区块链 建筑材料 供应链 质量管理 blockchain building materials supply chain quality management
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