

Breeding report of a new super-early maturing apricot cultivar Guojie
摘要 国捷杏是以金太阳为母本、骆驼黄为父本,通过人工杂交选育出的极早熟、浓香、硬肉杏新品种。果实卵圆形,平均单果质量53.5 g,大果可达75.3 g,整齐度好;果皮底色橙色,阳面带少量红色,果面有茸毛;果肉橙黄色,硬肉质且多汁,口感酸甜,品质优良;果顶平或微凹;可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)14.2%,可溶性糖含量8.2%,可滴定酸含量1.1%,维生素C含量6.2 mg·100 g^(-1),去皮硬度2.1 kg·cm^(-2);离核,苦仁;常温下可贮藏5~7 d。树姿半开张,树势中庸,4月上中旬在熊岳地区开花,6月上旬果实成熟,发育期55 d。具有较强的抗寒、细菌性穿孔病和流胶病能力。适宜在辽宁海城以南的全国杏树种植区栽培。 Guojie,a cutting-edge super-early maturing and hard-flesh apricot cultivar,was selected from a cross between Sungold and Luotuohuang made at the Liaoning Institute of Pomology In 2008.The seeds were mixed with sand and stored in a refrigerator at a temperature range of 2-7℃.The seeds germinated in mid of October and the seedlings were raised in the greenhouse during the winter,and the seedlings were planted in the field in May,2009.In 2013,Guojie was initially selected for its distinct attributes,including its short fruit development cycle and hard flesh.Comprehensive assessments of its botanical,biological characteristics,economic traits,adaptability,and resistance were conducted from 2017 to 2019 at four distinct sites.Following this evaluation,the variety was officially approved and registered by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration in 2021.The Guojie tree exhibited a medium vigor and open canopy structure.Its young branches were smooth,with a reddish-brown color.The leaves were characterized by an elliptical shape with a pointed tip and serrated edges.The petals were pure white.The fruit distribution is uniform and exhibits a regular pattern on the tree.The fruits are bright orange in color.The average fruit size was 53.5 g.The flesh was orange-yellow,featuring a moderate juice content,thin fiber,and outstanding flavor.The stone was free from the flesh,and the kernel tasted slightly bitter.The soluble solid content was 14.2%,titratable acidity 8.2%,soluble sugar 1.1%,and ascorbic acid 6.2 mg·100 g^(-1).The firmness was 2.1 kg·cm^(-2).Guojie exhibited strong tolerance to storage and transportation,with a shelf-life of approximately 5 days at room temperature and up to 15 days under 4℃.In Xiongyue of Liaoning Province,the flowering started in early April and the blooming period lasted approximately 5 d.The fruit development phase was 55 d.The leaf falls initiated towards the end of October.The variety displayed a remarkable resistance to bacterial perforation and gum flow diseases and tolerance to cold.The variety would be ideally suitable for cultivation in the southern apricot-producing regions of Liaoning Province.
作者 徐铭 高涵 刘威生 张玉萍 章秋平 张玉君 马小雪 刘家成 赵海娟 王碧君 刘硕 XU Ming;GAO Han;LIU Weisheng;ZHANG Yuping;ZHANG Qiuping;ZHANG Yujun;MAXiaoxue;LIU Jiacheng;ZHAO Haijuan;WANG Bijun;LIU Shuo(Liaoning Institute of Pomology,Xiongyue 115009,Liaoning,China;Liaoning Agriculture Vocational and Technical College,Xiongyue 115009,Liaoning,China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期1915-1918,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 辽宁省种质创新藏粮于技专项计划(2023JH1/10200005) 国家科技基础条件平台(NHGRC2023-NH10) 辽宁省兴辽英才计划(XLYC2203061) 辽宁省应用基础研究计划(2022JH2/101300154)。
关键词 新品种 国捷 极早熟 Apricot New cultivar Guojie Super-early maturing
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