

Analysis of HBV,HCV,HIV and TP Infection among Blood Donors in Central Blood Bank of Hanzhong City
摘要 【目的】探讨汉中市中心血站献血人群乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)、人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和梅毒螺旋体(TP)感染情况。【方法】对2019年2月至2022年10月汉中市1120名的献血人群行HBV、HCV、HIV和TP检测。分析HBV、HCV、HIV和TP检测结果及人口学特征。【结果】HBV、HCV、HIV和TP检测结果显示,HBsAg阳性占比最高,阳性率为16.07%(180/1120),其次为TP,阳性率为10.71%(120/1120),HCV阳性率为3.57%(40/1120),未见HIV感染。男性HBV、HCV和TP感染占比均高于女性(P<0.05);本科及以上HBV、HCV和TP感染占比低于本科以下(P<0.05)。HBV、HCV和TP感染在不同血型、不同年龄的构成比比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中O型血在HBV、HCV的感染中占比最高,AB型血在TP的感染中占比最高;30~<40岁的人群HBV、TP感染占比最高,50~<60人群HCV感染占比最高。【结论】汉中市中心血站献血人群HBV、HCV、TP感染风险较高,以HBsAg阳性为主,男性、本科以下HBV、HCV和TP感染占比较高,需要采取有针对性的综合防治措施加以控制。 【Objective】To investigate the infection of hepatitis B virus(HBV),hepatitis C virus(HCV),human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)and Treponema pallidum(TP)among blood donors in Hanzhong city central blood bank.【Methods】A total of 1120 blood donors from February 2019 to October 2022 in Hanzhong City were selected and tested for HBV,HCV,HIV and TP infection.The results and demographic characteristics of HBV,HCV,HIV and TP were analyzed.【Results】Among the HBV,HCV,HIV and TP test results of Hanzhong Central Blood Station,HBsAg positive accounted for the highest proportion 16.07%(180/1120),followed by TP 10.71%(120/1120).The HCV positivity rate was 3.57%(40/1120),and no HIV infection was detected.The proportion of HBV,HCV and TP infections in males was higher than that in females(P<0.05).There were statistically significant differences in HBV,HCV and TP infections among different genders and different education levels(P<0.05),and the proportions of HBV,HCV and TP infections with bachelor's degree or above were lower than those without bachelor's degree(P<0.05).There were statistically significant differences in the proportions of HBV,HCV and TP infections in different blood types and different ages(P<0.05).Among which,blood type O accounted for the highest proportion of HBV and HCV infection,AB blood type accounted for the highest proportion of TP infection,30~<40 years old people had the highest proportion of HBV and TP infection,and 50~<60 people had the highest proportion of HCV infection.【Conclusion】The risk of HBV,HCV,and TP infection among blood donors at the Hanzhong Central Blood Station is higher,which predominated by HBsAg-positive.Males and those with undergraduate degree or below have a higher proportion of HBV,HCV,HIV,and TP infection.Targeted comprehensive prevention and treatment measures need to be taken.
作者 颜翼 刘永娟 聂蒲芳 冯丽娟 杨柳 YAN Yi;LIU Yongjuan;NIE Pufang(Blood Transfusion Department,Nanzheng District People's Hospital,Hanzhong Shaanxi 723100)
出处 《医学临床研究》 CAS 2024年第8期1188-1190,1194,共4页 Journal of Clinical Research
关键词 供血者 乙型肝炎病毒 丙型肝炎病毒 HIV感染 Blood Donors Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis C virus HIV Infections
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