

Thinking and Enlightenment of Typical Collective Turnover Cases in China:Analysis of Typical Cases in the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening up Based on Event Theory
摘要 企业员工集体离职对相关组织和员工群体影响深远。研究以1978年至2021年中国改革开放的43年为时间背景,从中国知网(CNKI)的5个子数据库中甄选出我国集体离职案例102个和典型集体离职案例16个。基于编码分析、事件分析等案例研究方法,主要发现:典型集体离职案例的事件强度在新颖度、中断度、重要度中占据其一,即具有代表性;事件空间主要受所在企业规模、行业地位、社会影响力等因素影响;事件时间主要受集体离职人员的层级、重要性、不可替代性等因素影响。分析典型集体离职案例既要考虑时代背景、法律变迁、文化冲突等宏观因素——这些因素可能诱发集体离职;更要考虑外部诱惑、股东更替、高管套现等微观因素——这些因素可能直接导致集体离职。集体离职的发生受到中国改革开放进程的影响:发生地呈现由沿海向内陆变迁的趋势;所涉行业多集中在制造业,这一点尤其在中国加入世贸组织后更加明显;离职人员所涉层级由高层向中层和基层扩展,同时涉及高层、中层和基层的连带离职对企业影响更大。研究还提炼出影响集体离职的宏观因素和微观因素的作用与特征模型,并有针对性地提出预防集体离职事件发生的意见建议。 The collective turnover of employees in enterprises has a profound impact on relevant 1978 to 2021,this study selected 102 collective turnover cases and 16 typical collective turnover organizations and employee groups.Based on the 43 years of China’s reform and opening up from cases from five databases of the China Knowledge Network(CNKI).Based on code analysis,event analysis,and other case study methods,the main findings are:the novelty,interruption,and importance of the event intensity of typical collective turnover cases are quite representative,and the event space is mainly affected by the size of the enterprise,industry status,and social influence;The event time is mainly affected by the level,importance,and irreplaceability of the employees who leave the company collectively.Typical collective turnover cases need to take into account the background of the times,legal changes,cultural conflicts,and other macro factors,which may directly induce collective turnover;In the case of collective turnover,it is more necessary to consider the micro factors such as external temptation,shareholder turnover and senior executives’cash out,which may directly lead to collective turnover.The process of China’s reform and opening up cannot be ignored when collective turnover cases occur:the place of occurrence changes from coastal to inland;The industry is mainly concentrated in manufacturing,especially after China acceded to the WTO;The level of the employee is expanded from the top to the middle level and the basic level,and the joint turnover involving senior high school and the basic level has a greater impact on the enterprise.The research also refines the macro and micro factor action and characteristic model of collective turnover and puts forward suggestions on resolving collective turnover.
作者 蔡宁伟 葛明磊 宋萌 屈金照 CAI Ningwei;GE Minglei;SONG Meng;QU Jinzhao
出处 《秘书》 2024年第5期75-92,共18页 Secretary
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目“领导跨界行为的‘双刃剑’效应:基于双重视角的纵贯研究”(71802013)。
关键词 集体离职 事件理论 事件强度 典型案例 宏观因素 微观因素 collective turnover event theory event strength typical cases macro factors micro factors
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