

Development of Tussah-silk Knitted Underwear Fabric with Anti-bacterial and Warmth-retention Function
摘要 采用具有天然抑菌功能的野生柞蚕丝原料与具有蓄热保暖功能的腈纶咖啡炭原料进行交织,开发一款具有亲肤舒适、抑菌保暖性的中高档功能针织内衣面料。阐述原料规格、设备参数、组织结构、织针排列、三角排列、编织图、穿纱方式等编织工艺,以及预定形、前处理、起绒、成品定形等染整工艺及注意事项。最后测试产品的基本性能、抑菌性能及发热保暖性能。结果表明,此款野蚕丝抑菌保暖针织面料各项基本性能达到国内标准要求,产品具有优异的抗菌功能和发热保暖性能,且效果持久。 A new kind of high-grade functional knitted underwear fabric with skin-friendly comfort,anti-bacterial and warmth retention was developed,by using wild tussah silk raw material with natural antibacterial function and acrylic coffee carbon raw material with heat storage function.The raw material specifications,equipment parameters,patterns,needle arrangement,cam arrangement,kniting diagram,yarn threading method,as well as the presetting,pre-treatment,raising,forming and other dyeing and finishing process and precautions were described in detail.The basic performance of the tussah-silk knitted underwear fabric was tested,as well as the performance of anti-bacterial function,the performance of heat-generating and warmth retention.The results show that the basic performance of the tussah-silk knitted underwear fabric can meet the national standard requirements,the fabric has excellent properties for anti-bacterial function,the heat-generating and warmth retention,and the effect is long-lasting.
作者 金雪 章微清 Jin Xue;Zhang Weiqing(Jiangsu Golden Morning Knitting Co.,Ltd.,Changshu,Jiangsu 215500,China)
出处 《针织工业》 北大核心 2024年第10期7-10,共4页 Knitting Industries
关键词 野生柞蚕丝 腈纶咖啡炭 针织内衣 编织工艺 染整工艺 抑菌功能 发热保暖功能 Tussah Silk Coffee-carbon Acrylic Underwear Knitted Fabric Knitting Process Dying and Fini-shing Process Anti-bacterial Heat-generating and Warmth Retention
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