

Behavior patterns of Ciconia boyciana in different habitats of reservoir wetland in the lower reaches of Huaihe River during migratory stopover period
摘要 迁徙停歇地可以为候鸟提供长途跋涉所需要的能量,适宜的停歇地对于候鸟顺利完成迁徙过程至关重要。2023年1—2月,采用瞬时扫描法和焦点动物法对安徽省釜山水库的东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)迁徙种群日行为节律进行观察,并比较在不同生境下的行为模式。观察期间,单日记录到最大种群数量为505只,超过该物种全球数量的5%。东方白鹳在釜山水库停歇期间,主要行为活动为取食(53.29%±30.32%)、休息(32.81%±26.68%)、警戒(10.45%±6.35%)和整理(3.45%±2.95%),取食为迁徙停歇期的主要行为,在一天中存在07:40—08:40、12:40—13:40和16:40—17:40三个高峰期;在明水面和滩涂生境中,取食行为的时间分配最多,在农田中,休息行为的时间分配最多;迁徙停歇期间,平均取食持续时间为86.48±112.70 s,滩涂生境中啄取次数最多(8.80±14.72次),农田中取食成功率最高(44.44±52.71%);平均食物大小为40.24 cm,主要为鱼类(97.30%),且多为死鱼(94.44%),食物平均处理时长为75.07 s,食物大小不同则分别采取啄食或吞食的方式;淮河下游人工库塘东方白鹳迁徙停歇地的新发现及迁徙停歇期行为模式的研究,为丰富和完善该物种迁徙停歇网络以及迁徙行为生态学提供重要资料。 Migration stopover sites play a crucial role in providing the energy needed for long-distance journeys of migratory birds,and thus are essential for the smooth completion of the migration process.From January to February 2023,we recorded the daily behavior rhythms and behavior patterns of Ciconia boyciana at different habitats in Fu-shan Reservoir,Anhui Province,using instantaneous scanning and focal animal sampling methods.The daily maximum population recorded reached 505,representing more than 5%of the world population.During the stopover period,the main behaviors of Ciconia boyciana in Fushan Reservoir were foraging(53.29%±30.32%),resting(32.81%±26.68%),vigilance(10.45%±6.35%),and grooming(3.45%±2.95%).Foraging was the predominant behavior during the migration stopover period,with three peaks in a day:07:40-08:40,12:40-13:40,and 16:40-17:40.In the habitats of the open water surface and the mudflat,the time budget of foraging was the most,while in farmland,time allocation of resting was the highest.The average foraging duration was 86.48±112.70 s,with the highest pecking frequency(8.80±14.72 times)observed in mudflat habitat and the highest success rate of foraging(44.44%±52.71%)recorded in farmland.The average size of their food was 40.24 cm.Fishes were the dominant food types(97.30%),with most being dead(94.44%).On average,the processing time for food was 75.07 s.Food would be pecked or swallowed according to their sizes.The new discovery of migration stopover sites and the study of migration stopover behavior patterns in an artificial reservoir in the lower reaches of Huaihe River provide important information to enrich and improve the migration stopover network and behavioral ecology of Ciconia boyciana.
作者 李永民 张建春 韦兵 李东伟 王魏根 LI Yongmin;ZHANG Jianchun;WEI Bing;LI Dongwei;WANG Weigen(College of Biological and Food Engineering,Fuyang Normal University,Fuyang 236037,Anhui,China)
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期3152-3159,共8页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 安徽省教育厅自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2021A0669和KJ2021A0670) 大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202310371005和S202310371095)资助。
关键词 淮河下游 人工库塘 东方白鹳 迁徙停歇 行为模式 lower reaches of Huaihe River reservoir Ciconia boyciana migratory stopover behavior pattern
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