Since the impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR)in 2003,numerous slopes have experienced noticeable movement or destabilization owing to reservoir level changes and seasonal rainfall.One case is the Outang landslide,a large-scale and active landslide,on the south bank of the Yangtze River.The latest monitoring data and site investigations available are analyzed to establish spatial and temporal landslide deformation characteristics.Data mining technology,including the two-step clustering and Apriori algorithm,is then used to identify the dominant triggers of landslide movement.In the data mining process,the two-step clustering method clusters the candidate triggers and displacement rate into several groups,and the Apriori algorithm generates correlation criteria for the cause-and-effect.The analysis considers multiple locations of the landslide and incorporates two types of time scales:longterm deformation on a monthly basis and short-term deformation on a daily basis.This analysis shows that the deformations of the Outang landslide are driven by both rainfall and reservoir water while its deformation varies spatiotemporally mainly due to the difference in local responses to hydrological factors.The data mining results reveal different dominant triggering factors depending on the monitoring frequency:the monthly and bi-monthly cumulative rainfall control the monthly deformation,and the 10-d cumulative rainfall and the 5-d cumulative drop of water level in the reservoir dominate the daily deformation of the landslide.It is concluded that the spatiotemporal deformation pattern and data mining rules associated with precipitation and reservoir water level have the potential to be broadly implemented for improving landslide prevention and control in the dam reservoirs and other landslideprone areas.
supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province,China(Grant No.ZR2021QD032)。