

The Realistic Characteristics and Strategies for Advancing the Quality of Industry-education Integration in Higher Vocational Education with Chinese Characteristics——An Analysis Based on the 2023 China Vocational Education Annual Quality Report
摘要 产教融合是职业教育的本质特征。中国特色高职教育产教融合是产业与高等职业教育的深度合作,旨在提高人才培养质量,满足产业对高技能人才的需求。基于利益相关者的不同价值诉求,依据投入产出理论,以产教融合体制机制建设、专业建设、课程建设、实训基地建设、“双师”队伍建设作为投入变量,以服务人才培养成效、服务企业成效作为产出变量,构建产教融合评价指标体系,全要素监测并剖析产教融合质量。研究发现,高职教育产教融合还存在东高西低、校热企冷等问题。基于此,建议以省域现代职业教育体系建设新模式试点为支撑,创新制度设计,统筹推进东中西部协同发展;依托市域产教联合体和行业产教融合共同体,激发企业参与办学的动力和活力,提高人岗匹配度;健全高职教育产教融合评价机制,以科教融汇为突破口,提升服务企业发展成效,推动高职教育更贴近中国实体经济和产业发展需求培养人才。 Industry-education integration is an essential characteristic of vocational education. In the context of China, the integration of industry and higher vocational education involves deep cooperation between industries and higher vocational institutions, aimed at improving talents cultivation quality and meeting the industry's demand for highly skilled workers. Based on the different value demands of stakeholders and the input-output theory, this study constructs an evaluation index system for industry-education integration quality by examining input variables such as the construction of the system and mechanism of integration, program development, curriculum design, training base establishment, and the“double-qualified teacher”team building. It also considers output variables such as the effectiveness of talent development and service to enterprises. The study monitors and analyzes the quality of industry-education integration comprehensively. The findings show that there are still issues such as the disparity between the eastern and western regions and the imbalance where schools are enthusiastic but enterprises are indifferent. To address these challenges, it is recommended to support the pilot construction of new provincial models for modern vocational education systems, innovate institutional designs, and promote coordinated development across eastern, central and western regions. Additionally, it suggests leveraging municipal industry-education joint alliances and industry-based integration communities to stimulate enterprise participation in school management, thus improving the matching between talent and job requirements. Lastly, it calls for improving the evaluation mechanism for industry-education integration in higher vocational education, using the integration of science, education and industry as a breakthrough point to enhance service to enterprise development and better align vocational education with the needs of China's real economy and industrial growth.
作者 宗诚 刘英霞 Zong Cheng;Liu Yingxia(research Institute for Vocational and Further Education in Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences,Beijing 100000;Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology)
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2024年第30期45-51,共7页 Vocational and Technical Education
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题“智能技术赋能职业教育增值评价研究”(BJA220260),主持人:宗诚。
关键词 中国特色 高职教育 产教融合 质量评价指标体系 质量年度报告 Chinese characteristics higher vocational education industry-education integration quality evaluation indicator system annual quality report
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