

Establishment of in vitro Rapid Propagation System of Calathea‘Network’
摘要 以天南星科、肖竹芋属(Calathea)观叶植物洒金肖竹芋(Calathea‘Network’)为试验材料,研究植物生长调节剂种类及其浓度、接种方式对芽增殖的影响;不同培养基配方对生根诱导的影响;不同移栽基质对移栽存活率的影响。结果表明:单芽接种的方式效果较好,培养基MS+0.1 mg/L NAA+0.5 mg/L BA适合洒金肖竹芋不定芽增殖,培养30 d后,不定芽诱导率为98.89%,增殖芽3.29个;生根适宜培养基1/2MS+0.1 mg/L NAA+0.5 mg/L AC,培养15~25 d即可达到出瓶标准。泥炭∶椰糠=3∶1基质适用于洒金肖竹芋试管苗移栽,移栽存活率为97.22%。该研究成功建立洒金肖竹芋高效离体快繁体系,为其产业化生产提供技术支撑。 The ornamental plant Calathea‘Network’,belonging to the Araceae and the Calathea,was the material for this study.We studied the effects of types and concentrations of plant growth regulators,inoculation methods on bud proliferation,different media formulations on rooting induction,and different cultivation medium on transplant survival rate.The results showed that the single bud inoculation method had a better effect.The culture medium MS+0.1 mg/L NAA+0.5 mg/L BA was suitable for the shoot proliferation in C.‘Network’.After 30 days of cultivation,the induction rate of adventitious buds was 98.89%,and proliferative buds was 3.29.The optimal medium for rooting 1/2MS+0.1 mg/L NAA+0.5 g/L AC could reach transplanting standard in 15-25 days.The peat∶coir=3∶1 substrate was suitable for transplanting the in vitro seedlings of C.‘Network’and the survival rate of transplanting was 97.22%.This study successfully established an efficient in vitro propagation system for the industrialization of the plant,providing technical support for its industrial production.
作者 郭贝怡 余结梅 王倩雯 杨红梅 GUO Bei-yi;YU Jie-mei;WANG Qian-wen(Guangzhou Institute of Forestry and Landscape Architecture/Guangzhou Collaborative Innovation Center on Science-tech of Ecology and Landscape,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510405)
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2024年第21期82-85,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 广州市科学技术局基础与应用基础研究专题(206206)——几种肖竹芋属植物工厂化生产技术研究(任务书编号:2023A04J0877)。
关键词 洒金肖竹芋 组织培养 离体快繁 芽增殖 Calathea‘Network’ Tissue culture In-vitro rapid propagation Shoot proliferation
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