In this study,the mechanical behavior of crystal group of hexagonal close-packed(hcp;αphase)and body-centered cubic(bcc;βphase)during tensile loading was investigated to elucidate the mechanism from elastic to plastic deformation transition of the rolled LZ91 Mg alloy using transmission-X-ray diffraction(transmission-XRD)measurement,transmission electron microscopy(TEM),scanning transmission electron microscopy(STEM),energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS).The approximate proof stress of the LZ91 Mg alloy sample was found that the lattice strain retained the expanded state from 0.6%nominal strain,and the transmission-XRD measurement characterized the crystalline behavior during the transition by the integrated intensity of crystal group hcp(100).The lattice strain of bcc(110)decreased from the 0.6%nominal strain due to dislocation activity,which occurred nearβ/βgrain boundary.In addition,we performed the analyses of electron energy loss spectroscopy(EELS)modes,the Li-K peak disappeared from the segregated Li regions of 10–60 nm nearβ/βgrain boundary at the nominal strain of 0.8%.Understanding this mechanical behavior during the elastic to plastic deformation transition by transmission-XRD is crucial for the development of Mg-Li alloys.
supported by The SUHARA MEMORIAL FOUNDATION [grant number SF-2023-A1]
JSPS KAKENHI [grant numbers JP16K05961 and JP19K04065]
supported by Hokkaido University's microstructural characterization platform under a program of “Nanotechnology Platform,” within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), Japan