肺结节是一种常见的肺部疾病,其特点是肺内直径小于或等于3 cm的局灶性、类圆形、密度增高的实性或亚实性阴影,属于中医学“肺积”范畴。现代医学诊断和治疗肺结节的手段有限,通常采用影像学动态观察和定期随访的策略监测结节的变化情况。中医在治疗肺结节方面有独特的理论优势和实践经验。钱秋海教授从肺的生理特性出发,提出了一套治疗肺结节的中医临床思路和用药经验。钱教授认为治疗肺结节应当遵照“肺为娇脏、喜润恶燥”的特点,强调扶正与祛邪兼顾,并提倡使用行气化痰、散结祛瘀的药物,这些药物具有走窜之性,能够有效疏通肺的气机,化解痰湿,消散结节,祛除瘀血,从而起到“养阴不敛邪,祛瘀不伤正,散结不耗津”的功效。钱教授将中医治疗法与现代医学的检查手段相结合,更全面、更有效地对肺结节进行诊断和治疗,提高了患者的生活质量。本研究对钱秋海教授治疗肺结节的临床思路和用药经验进行归纳总结,得出中医治疗疾病时基于整体观念和辨证施治原则,通过调和人体的阴阳平衡,强化正气,驱除病邪,展现了中医在治疗肺结节方面独特的优势和潜力。
Pulmonary nodule is a prevalent lung disease characterized by focal,round-shaped,dense solid or subsolid opacities with a diameter of less than or equal to 3 centimeters in the lungs,which aligns with the concept of lung accumulation in traditional Chinese medicine.In modern medicine,the diagnosis and treatment options for pulmonary nodules are limited,typically relying on dynamic imaging observation techniques and regular follow-up to monitor nodule changes.Traditional Chinese Medicine shows unique theory advantages and practical experience in managing pulmonary nodules.Professor QIAN Qiuhai proposes a set of traditional Chinese medicine clinical approaches and medication experiences based on the physiological characteristics of the lungs.Professor QIAN Qiuhai believes that the treatment of pulmonary nodules should be in accordance with the characteristics of the lungs are delicate organs that prefer moisture over dryness,emphasizes both strengthening body resistance and dispelling pathogenic factors,and advocates to use medicines of promoting Qi(气)circulation to resolve phlegm,and dispersing masses to eliminate blood stasis.These medicines possess dispersing properties,which can effectively regulate lung function,dissolve phlegm and dampness,dissipate nodules,and remove blood stasis,so as to play the effect of nourishing Yin without collecting evil,removing blood stasis without hurting body resistance,and dispersing knot without consuming body fluids.Professor QIAN Qiuhai combines traditional Chinese medicine therapy with modern medical examination methods to diagnose and treat pulmonary nodules more comprehensively and effectively,improving the quality of life of patients.The author summarizes Professor QIAN Qiuhai’s clinical concepts and medication experience in managing pulmonary nodules,and concludes that the TCM treatment of this disease is based on the holistic concept and the principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment,and that the method of harmonizing the balance of Yin(阴)and Yang(阳)within the human body is used to strengthen healthy energy and expel pathogenic factors,showing the distinctive advantages and potential of traditional Chinese medicine in addressing pulmonary nodules.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
Pulmonary nodule
Deficiency of both Qi and Yin
Replenishing Qi to nourish Yin
Removing blood stasis to disperse knot
Experience of famous doctor