

Numerical Simulation Research and Analysis of New Sludge Thermal Dryer
摘要 市政有机固废的资源化利用是固体废物领域实现“双碳目标”的重要途径,高效干化是稳定燃烧和集成化的前提,新型污泥热干化器相比于间接干化无导热介质热转换的过程,工艺更加简洁,具有换热效率高,转动设备少,设备集成度高,磨损小,寿命长能耗低,占地面积小,运行成本低等优点。以新型污泥热干化技术为基础,通过采用数值模拟方式研究干化装置运行参数、结构参数对污泥干燥效果的影响,并在此基础上建立基于各参数来预测干化性能的模型。结合数值模拟结果,对关键工艺参数给予推荐优化值,为新型污泥热干化器工艺系统及装置结构的配置及设计提供依据。在双碳目标下为污泥资源高效制备清洁能源及高值利用提供借鉴。 The resourceful utilization of municipal organic solid waste is an important approach to achieving the"dual carbon goals"in the field of solid waste.Efficient drying is a prerequisite for stable combustion and integration.Compared with the indirect drying process without heat transfer medium,the new type of sludge thermal dryer has a more concise process,with advantages such as high heat exchange efficiency,fewer rotating equipment,high equipment integration,less wear,long lifespan,low energy consumption,small footprint,and low operating cost.Based on the new sludge thermal drying technology,the study investigates the impact of drying device operation parameters and structural parameters on the sludge drying effect through numerical simulation.On this basis,a model for predicting drying performance based on various parameters is established.Combining the results of numerical simulation,recommended optimization values are given for key process parameters,providing a basis for the configuration and design of the new sludge thermal dryer process system and device structure.Under the dual carbon goals,it provides reference for the efficient preparation of clean energy and high-value utilization of sludge resources.
作者 程永新 杜征宇 陈昕 罗博 CHENG Yong-xin;DU Zheng-yu;CHEN Xin;LUO Bo(Central Southern China Electric Power Design Institute of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation,Wuhan 430071,China)
出处 《山东工业技术》 2024年第5期56-65,共10页 Journal of Shandong Industrial Technology
关键词 新型污泥热干化器 流化 干化 含水率 数值模拟 双碳目标 new type of sludge thermal dryer fluidization drying moisture content numerical simulation dual carbon targets
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