

On The Collation on Wang Ren Xu's Emendation of Qie Yun
摘要 龙宇纯先生的《唐写全本王仁昫刊谬补缺切韵校笺》是专著《王三》的校勘成果,该书以《切韵》系韵书不同版本相互比勘为线索,同时参考中古重要字书文献以考《王三》谬误,旁征博引,校释有据,读后颇有所得。然智者千虑,难免一失。今于龙校疏漏处略加考释,期望相关探讨对深化《切韵》研究有所助益。 Long Yu Chun's The Collation on Wang Ren Xu's Emendation of Qie Yun is based on Wang Renxu's edition.Mr.Long researches different versions of Qie Yun,and refers to other important books in the Middle Ages.He quotes extensively,explains in detail,and has a lot of gains.However,even Homer sometimes nods.There are still some omissions in Mr.Long's book.By finding out these omissions,it is hoped to deepen the research of Qie Yun.
作者 孙磊 SUN Lei(School of Chinese Classics,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《大连大学学报》 2024年第6期23-28,共6页 Journal of Dalian University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金“《唐写本王仁昫刊谬补缺切韵》多音字研究”(19YJA740055)。
关键词 《唐写全本王仁昫刊谬补缺切韵校笺》 《王三》 补正 The Collation on Wang Ren Xu's Emendation of Qie Yun Wangsan mendation
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