

Tensile properties of PPS needle punched filter felTSunder heated condition
摘要 测试高温条件(90、130、170和190℃)下以聚苯硫醚(PPS)为基布和以聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)为基布的PPS针刺过滤毡的拉伸性能,并与其常温下的拉伸性能进行对比。结果表明,高温条件下2种基布针刺毡的经纬向断裂强力均出现不同程度的下降;PTFE基布针刺毡在190℃下的纬向断裂强力仅为常温下的20%;所有PPS针刺过滤毡试样的定负荷伸长率均随着测试温度的升高而增加。 Tensile properties of two types of polyphenylene sulfide(PPS)needle punched filter felTSwith PPS scrim and polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)scrim at high temperature(90,130,170 and 190℃)were tested and compared with those at normal temperature.It was found that at high temperature,the warp and weft breaking strength of the two types of needle punched felTSdecreased to varying degrees.The weft breaking strength of the felt with PTFE scrim at 190℃was only 20%of that at normal temperature.And elongation under constant load for all the PPS needle punched felt samples increased with the increase of test temperature.
作者 崔宁 李亚儒 施永明 Cui Ning;Li Yaru;Shi Yongming(China Textile Academy,Beijing 100025,China;State Key Laboratory of Bio-based Fiber Manufacturing Technology,Beijing 100025,China;Sichuan Unfire Polymer Material Technology Co.,Ltd.,Deyang 618200,Sichuan,China)
出处 《产业用纺织品》 2024年第12期14-19,共6页 Technical Textiles
关键词 针刺过滤毡 聚苯硫醚(PPS) 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE) 基布 拉伸性能 needle punched filter felt polyphenylene sulfide(PPS) polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) scrim tensile property
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