玉米矮花叶病是世界普遍发生危害严重的玉米病毒病害之一。迄今为止 ,只有少数几个抗病基因被发现并定位。优良自交系四一是鉴定出的玉米矮花叶病新抗源 ,它表现为全生育期抗性。通过连续两年的经典遗传学研究发现 ,四一的成株期抗性表现为一种新的抗病遗传模式 ,该抗性是由两个显性互补抗病基因控制。 87对微卫星标记分析进一步证实了以上推论 ,并把两个抗病基因分别定位在第三和第六染色体上 ,第三染色体上的抗病基因与微卫星标记phi0 2 9相距 14 .5cM ,第六染色体上的抗病基因与微卫星标记phi12 6相距 7.2cM。
Maize dwarf mosaic is one of the devastating and widespread viral diseases in the world. So far, only a few genes were identified and mapped in the resistant materials. A new resistant elite inbred line Siyi was identified with resistance to maize dwarf mosaic virus strain B at early and adult stage. Two complementary dominant genes conditioned the resistance, with a new genetic model, of the maize inbred line were found at adult stage by the genetic analysis based on parents, F 1, F 2 and backcrosses in two years. The microsatellite analysis of a F 2 population from the cross between Siyi and Mo17 was used to identify the two resistance genes on chromosome 3 and 6 respectively by 87 pairs of microsatellite markers. The linkage distance between phi029 and the one resistance gene on chromosome 3 is 14.5cM, and phi126 to the other on chromosome 6 is 7.2cM.
国家"8 63"计划 (2 0 0 1AA2 11111)
国家科技攻关计划 (2 0 0 1BA5 11B0 4-0 14 )~~