目的 研究正常人群动脉弹性功能指数C1、C2 在短期内重复的可靠性、稳定性及探讨C1、C2 的影响因素。方法 正常人群 32 0人进入本研究 ,受检者分 4个年龄组 (15~ 30岁、31~ 4 5岁、4 6~ 6 0岁、6 1~ 80岁 ) ,每组 80例 ,男女各半。采用HDICVProfilorDO— 2 0 2 0动脉功能检测仪测定C1、C2 ,测定 3次 ,取平均值 ,间隔 7~ 2 8天重复检测。所有受检者 30天内均未服用任何影响心血管系统的药物。结果 (1)正常人群的C1为 15 39± 4 37(ml/mmHg×10 ) ,C2 为 6 35± 3 0 7(ml/mmHg× 10 0 ) ,男性的C1、C2 均比女性大 ,P <0 0 5。 (2 )C1、C2 的可靠性和稳定性较好 ,间隔 7~ 2 8天两次重复测定的差异没有统计学显著性意义 ,P >0 0 5。 (3)四个年龄组分析 ,随着年龄的增大 ,C1、C2 逐渐降低 ,且每组之间均有显著性差异 ,P <0 0 5。 (4)相关分析发现 :与C1相关性依次为年龄、脉压、收缩压、心率、平均压和舒张压 ,P均 <0 0 1;与C2 相关性依次为年龄、平均压、舒张压、收缩压、心率和脉压 ,P均 <0 0 1,而体重指数BMI与C1、C2 的相关性均无显著性意义 ,P >0 0 5。结论 (1)C1、C2 有较好的重复性 ,尤其是C2 ,能早期反映小血管弹性功能改变 ;(2 )随着年龄增大 ,大小动脉弹性功能逐渐减退 ;(3)?
Objective To investigate the reproducibility and influencing factors of the large and small artery elasticity indices C 1 and C 2 in healthy subjects. Methods Three hundred and twenty healthy subjects were enrolled and categoried into 4 groups (15~30 y, 31~45 y, 46~60 y, 60~80 y), each group comprise 80 subjects, male/female ratio=1 C 1 and C 2 were detected 3 times by DHI CV Profilor DO-2020 and the mean, C 1 and C 2 examined 7~28 days later. All subjects discontinued all medications 30 days before the examination. Results (1)Mean C 1 of healthy people is 15 39±4 37(ml/mmHg×10),C 2 is 6 35±3 07(ml/mmHg×100),C 1 and C 2 in male are higher than in female , P <0 05. (2) the reliability and reproducibility of C 1 and C 2 are satisfied, and the differences of the twice examinations are not significant, P >0 05. (3) C 1 and C 2 decrease gradually but significantly with age P <0 05. (4) C 1 correlates with age, pulse pressure, systolic pressure, heart rate, mean pressure and diastolic pressure, P <0 01; C 2 correlates with age, mean pressure, diastolic pressure, systolic pressure, heart rate and pulse pressure, P <0 01; While no correlation between BMI and C 1 and C 2, P >0 05. Conclusion (1) the reproducibility of C 1 and C 2 measurements are satisfied, C 2 reflects the early change of elastic function in small blood vessel. (2) the elastic function in large and small artery decrease gradually with age . (3) Both C 1 and C 2 are affected by age, C 1 is predominately affected by systolic pressure, and C 2 by diastolic pressure.
Chinese Journal of Hypertension