

Cuttage Propagation Techniques for Teucrium fruticans
摘要 水果蓝作为一种新优园林绿化苗木,具有独特的观赏价值和生态适应性,市场应用前景好。本文从扦插准备、扦插基质选择、插穗制作、扦插注意事项、扦后管理、炼苗及移植等技术环节对水果蓝扦插育苗技术进行总结,以期为水果蓝栽培及应用提供参考。 Teucrium fruticans,as a new excellent landscape greening seedling,has a good market application prospect for its unique or-namental value and ecological adaptability.In this paper,a summary was made on its cuttage propagation techniques from such aspects as cutting preparation,cutting substrate selection,cuttings making,cuttings precautions,post-cutting management,seedling cultivation and transplantation,so as to provide reference for the cultivation and application of the cultivars.
作者 严仍中 YAN Renzhong(Anhui Traffic Control Ecological Technology Co.Ltd.,Hefei 230088,Anhui,China)
出处 《安徽林业科技》 2024年第6期43-44,47,共3页 Anhui Forestry Science and Technology
关键词 水果蓝 小拱棚 穴盘育苗 扦插 Teucrium fruticans Small arched shed Plug seedling Cuttage
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