

The Endogenous Mechanism of the Sense of Community for Chinese Nation in Modern Times
摘要 中华民族共同体的近代自觉有其内在的意识变化过程,中华民族的自我认识和民族认同的整体觉醒是在中国融入世界的过程中最终得以形成的。近代中国生死存亡的严峻形势奠定了国人的内在认知框架和视域融合结构,中华民族共同体意识的近代自觉是中华儿女作为认识主体基于中国历史实践的道德理性的自知自证,同时是先进的思想文化在存有论上向本体界的贯通融入。主体意识结构理论的迥异是中西观念分殊的底层逻辑,道德直觉是中华民族共同体意识的生成机制,人格信仰是中华民族共同体凝聚的根脉,中国共产党人的伟大人格力量是凝聚中华民族伟大复兴的不竭动力。 There is an internal conscious change process in modern Self-awareness of Chinese Nation Community,The self-awareness of the Chinese nation and the overall awakening of its national identity are finally generated in the process of China's integration into the world. The grim situation of the survival of modern China laid the people's inner cognitive framework and threshold fusion structure,modern community sense of the Chinese nation is the Chinese people as the main body based on Chinese historical practice of moral rational self-knowledge,at the same time is the advanced ideology and culture on the existence theory into the ontology. The difference of subjective consciousness structure is the underlying logic of the difference between Chinese and Western ideas,Moral intuition is the mechanism of the sense of community for Chinese nation. Personality and belief are the roots of it,and the great personality strength of the Chinese Communists is an inexhaustible source of Chinese Dream.
作者 张鲲 ZHANG Kun(School of Marxism,Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot 010000,China)
出处 《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期35-41,共7页 Journal of North Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“人类共同价值的认同机制研究”(21BKS181)。
关键词 中华民族共同体 意识 自觉 内生机理 Chinese Nation Community Sense Self-Aw areness The Endogenous Mechanism
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