

Temperature effect of esterase mensuration in detecting the DDVP-resistance of Cx.Pipiens pallens
摘要 目的 用室内多年选育的抗DDVP淡色库蚊抗性株在室内和现场进行试验 ,以比较WHO标准法和微板测定法在检测蚊虫对DDVP抗药性的差别。方法 微板测定法、生物测定法。结果 用两种方法在温度为 2 3~ 32℃范围内分别对淡色库蚊进行DDVP抗药性检测 ,WHO法结果与温度无关 ,而NSE法结果与温度有关。为消除温度对检测的影响 ,在缩短孵育时间后 ,在 2 7~ 31℃对野外淡色库蚊对DDVP抗性测定 ,NSE法测定与WHO法结果相同。结论 NSE法检测蚊虫的DDVP抗药性可随外界温度升高而增加 ,实际应用时应缩短孵育时间加以纠正。 Aim To compare the difference of the detection of DDVP resistance of mosquitoes by WHO standard mensuration and micro board mensuration with selected DDVP resistant Cx.Pipiens pallensin library.Method To check the DDVP resistance of Cx.Pipiens pallensby two methods in the temperature range of 23 32℃.Result The result of WHO mensuration had no relation to the temperature,while the result of non specific esterase(NSE)mensuration is related to temperature.The detection result was the same of the two methods while shorten the incubate time,and the DDVP resistant data of field Cx.Pipiens pallens was no statistical difference between above mentioned regulated NSE mensuration and WHO mensuration in the range of 27℃ 31℃.Conclusion NSE detection insecticide resistant level can increase with the temperature of environment,and the incubate time should be shorted in order to minish the error.
出处 《中国人兽共患病杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期100-101,107,共3页 Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
基金 山东省医学科学院资助课题 (0 10 80 8)
关键词 温度 酯酶测定 淡色库蚊 抗药性 Temperature Esterase mensuration Cx.Pipiens pallens Insecticide resistance
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