Local colorism as a trend first came to prominence in the late 19th century in America. The local colorists were devoted to capturing the unique customs, manners, speech, folklore and other qualities of a particular regional community, usually in humorous short stories. The most famous local colorist was Mark Twain. His fiction The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, published in 1884, was regarded as"the first great novel in America", as well as the most classical work of local colorism.
Local colorism as a trend first came to prominence in the late 19th century in America. The local colorists were devot-ed to capturing the unique customs, manners, speech, folklore and other qualities of a particular regional community, usually in humorous short stories. The most famous local colorist was Mark Twain. His fiction The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, published in 1884, was regarded as“the first great novel in America”, as well as the most classical work of local colorism.
Overseas English