In the era of"Internet Plus",emphasis has been placed on construction of teaching resources by utilizing internet platform andtechnologies.It is of great significance to discuss the construction of English teaching resources in higher vocational colleges from theperspective of ecopedagogy which is characterized by openness and diversity.We can achieve high efficiency and effectiveness in con-structing English teaching resources for higher vocational college students through abiding by following principles such as diversity,de-velopment,adaptation and openness.
In the era of'Internet Plus',emphasis has been placed on construction of teaching resources by utilizing internet platform andtechnologies.It is of great significance to discuss the construction of English teaching resources in higher vocational colleges from theperspective of ecopedagogy which is characterized by openness and diversity.We can achieve high efficiency and effectiveness in con-structing English teaching resources for higher vocational college students through abiding by following principles such as diversity,de-velopment,adaptation and openness.
Overseas English